I am an American and I love my friends!

My name is Anya and I am 56 years old. I love to make friends! I am excited to share tips and insights to help evaluate, introduce, and reinforce new views to become open-minded about fitness, fashion, nutrition, and more. I am all about healthy lifestyles. My motto is: Let’s make aging work in our favor! :049:

Welcome to the forum Anya :slight_smile:


Thank you!

You don’t look 56.

Very flattering, thank you much! I have a 30-year old daughter and a 3-yr old granddaughter, so have to stay in shape to be a role model. Let’s make aging work in OUR favor! :mini:

A big welcome…:smiley:

Hello Anya :slight_smile: a warm welcome to Over50sForum…

Thank you kindly! Happy to be part of the Forum!

Hi Anya, welcome to the madhouse, it’s a nice madhouse though! Pass me some of that energy of yours :lol:

Hello and a big welcome from me Anya.

Welcome Anya

I too have a 30 plus daughter and the youngest grandchild is 4 years old

However I am the original couch potato so kudos to you :slight_smile:

I have no limit so positive vibes are all yours! :hug:

Thank you! Being a couch potato is dangerous, someone may get hungry and eat you! :wink:

Thank you kindly!

Thank you!

Hi Anya :039: Welcome :smiley:
Goodness you look fit!
You need to share notes on the “daily exercise” thread
I reckon you could even give Floydy a run for his money!

Thank you!

Awww… thank you much Rhian! The one who can bear a comparison wins! Honestly, I just love to share what I do and how I do it to spread the love for life and healthy lifestyles. I lead by example to always inspire and encourage others.

That sounds like a good motto, Anya. Welcome to the forum, I look forward to reading your posts.:-D:-D