How would you react if many Spaceships landed on Earth?

Will there be a vaccine available?

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Lol Let ‘em have them. :upside_down_face:


I would politely ask if they would take the Woke and Pc brigade along with some Mp`s when they leave.
And if they agree,i would invite them over for a full English Sunday roast followed by a home made apple crumble and custard.
WIN WIN. :grinning:

It’s when they begin offering and handing out SOYLENT GREEN BISCUITS that I’d really start to get worried. :waffle: :waffle: :waffle: :waffle: :waffle: :laughing:

Oh no, no, no - they should leave the folk who are Awake and take the Sleepwalkers with them!
They can take Farage, Rees-Mogg and several former Prime Ministers who are doing nothing useful but still sponging off the State! :rofl:

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:joy: :rofl: if you say so Boot,you do have a very good point i must say so :grinning:


Klaatu barada nikto

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as the owner of a very large unused spaceship parking lot I would be rubbing my hands with glee?


:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :thinking: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: I get the impression that some of you may have never seen or have forgotten the movie “SOYLENT GREEN” ??

So here is a brief reminder…

And we won’t mention what Soylent Green is actually made from… :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

But the way we’ve been steering this planet of ours maybe we’re closer to finding out ??? :scream: :scream:



It’s not too bad down here so far. There’s only four out on the common.


Not bovvered…got a minder, great with kids too :+1:


Danger, Will Robertson! Danger.


Quite right too… there’s some dodgy people about!


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Id make a big pile of Mash and make a mountain out of it .


Ah our old mate Robbie ! :slightly_smiling_face:
I can still recall that day after watching this movie in the cinema & coming out into the bright sunshine.

No movie on TV or Android etc can ever replace the deep pleasure as kids that we got from going to the cinema with our mates.

Saturday afternoons were equally fun at the cinema and particularly engrossing as kids were the “serials” Short segments of special action ‘movies’ Roughly 15-20 minutes of action packed drama was shown & then suddenly interrupted - until the following week at that same cinema where the drama would “supposedly” continue from the exact same point that it had ceased the previous week.

HOWEVER that CRITICAL point such as in the aircraft taxying without pilot but with spinning propeller blades & headed directly towards some poor individual tied to a post , was somehow skipped slightly & often therefore had a quite different outcome.

Obviously we’d had a week inbetween & so were expected not to have perfect memories. But it was all DAMNED GOOD HARMLESS FUN & ENTERTAINMENT as kids. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Unfortunately an era now long gone forever :slightly_frowning_face:



If aliens landed close by I’d let them know they cannot park on double yellow lines !


Well, i certainly wouldn’t be one of those numbskulls who bring out the welcoming flags, oh no, i’m not stupid, i’ve seen Independence Day :laughing:
I’d arm myself with high powered water pistols, well, it is usually something simple that defeats them, like in War of the Worlds, then it was the common cold strain, so yep, i arming me to the hilt :droplet: :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: :droplet:


What if the alien said take me to your leader?.Sorry mate,there’s none worth meeting with.You’d best go home.


Have you thought that it could have been the other way round with Covid19…?
The aliens thought they could wipe us out with a virus.
Us humans are resilient though…Pity about the ones who got vaccinated…