How would you know if you had mice?

Had mice?

A couple of nights ago I heard, sounded like tiny claws on my plasterboard in the loft, the noise came from the bathroom ceiling…so i hit the ceiling with the hoover hose, it then stopped.

I haven’t heard it since…do you think they found their way out?

I’m concerned because mice can do a lot of damage in a loft?

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I have field mice in my loft , I know for sure from the dropping , I leave them alone I know they are just looking for a dry place for the winter.

I also get starlings in the loft and in the cavity wall, they make a terrible noise but I have found if I leave the door of the meter cupboard open letting light in they find their way out,
There is also the occasional squirrel up there, they don’t stay long.

I feel the house is not exclusively mine and I am happy to share as long as the inhabitants don’t cause damage.

Pauline is there a hatch, can you look for droppings with a torch. You could bait a live cage amd put that up there.

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Meg, aren’t you worried that they chew the electrical wires in your loft.

I had them in my bungalow…boy did they chew.

I will go up into the loft in a minute and check it out for mouse droppings, good idea, I never thought of doing that…in the meantime I bought these traps to put up there.

we had them years ago, when the house was quiet I used to hear them ,sounded as if they were climbing the inside of the walls, we had to get pest control in, if they get inside your cupboards and gnaw at anything in there, There’s a big field across from us, probably where they came from…we also got a cat

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Thanks Paula.

handy ruddy cat…it’s as useless as my cat :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:

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I can’t really house my Jack Russel up in the loft as he’s a rat/ mice catcher.

Why is it useless?

Dropping and scratches like you heard. If you only have a few they aren’t difficult to get rid of. Try the products you have first. Pest control usually use poison. It’s effective too.
You have many options.

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@paula it just sleeps and eats all day it’s never caught a mouse and living with a
mountain there are plenty of field mice about. :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:

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We had mice …in the kitchen :flushed: at the beginning of the year, tried poison bait and although there was evidence of them eating it there was no signs of bodies…used traps instead and caught 3
No idea how they got in but no infestation since we used traps, at least you get to see the bodies

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That made me Laff!!..:joy::rofl::sweat_smile::joy::rofl::sweat_smile:

We had mice also in our kitchen. We used live traps baited with peanut butter. That worked a treat.
Then set the free in a field🐭

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Yes, the guy in the shop told me to bait it with peanut butter…I must buy some,:+1:

Nice on toast as well. The peanut butter not the mouse😀

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I’ve not had mice in the house, but I have had a creature or creatures in my sun lounge. I think rats, because the noise is loud as are the foot sounds, Mice are probably quieter. Nothing can get into the house from there, but the sun lounge is clad inside with pine & there’s a gap between that & the outside wall of the house. I’ve heard scrabbling in there, in the walls & floor. I just bang where the noise is coming from & it stops, when it starts again I do the same. It stopped for ages after, but started up a few days later, or it did, there was no sign since I’d stopped feeding the birds & filling the food dishes on the patio & not putting food on the bird table. Though this was some months ago & I have started putting feed on the bird table again, but not on the patio.
I hate to use poison, they die in such horrible & painful ways. As they aren’t in the house I leave them be.
I think they do leave & don’t stay long, particularly if you bang loudly, it gives them a headache & they leave.:grinning:


They can be clever little critters.
When I had them in the roof they made a godawful din, I could hear them scampering along their ‘run’ by the joists as they went out on the razz.

Get some traps up there quick. They can be partial to a bit of chocolate.
Can mice chew through cables? I know rats can.

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It’s horrible when you hear the traps go off though isn’t it.
With ours, you’d hear a sharp twang … then wait 5 seconds , and hear the thud of the sprung trap as it landed.

Thought you’d wired yours to a record player so that when a mouse got caught, it’d set off the 1812 Overture.


@Dextrous63 … now that is funny!
Hugs to you Dex for giving me a good laugh.

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