How often do you do your laundry?

Your big toe?

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I wash my bath towels every time I use them, March and October every year.

Balance issues, sorry :frowning_face: :foot:

Wash one hand at a time, thus leaving the other hand to operate the controls. Simples.


I’ve just realised this article is just another piece of government spin to reduce our energy consumption. I’m sure there is some sort of “favours for articles” arrangement behind the scenes.

I put my towels in on the washing line .
Wind and solar powered .


Me too, I have no other method anyway

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I was talking about after a shower - 5 mins in the dryer.

Of course mine go on the washing line to dry too after being washed.


In winter or bad weather mine go on my heated dryer in the conservatory, its only 230 watt

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I am a bloke, I do not understand washing machines, in order to wash something I have to have the computer skills of a programming computer geek, it’s all digital, it beeps a lot, it apparently connects to the wife’s computer by Bluetooth. The drawer for the washing powder has three slots, for different chemicals, there’s is dozens of programmes for just washing my socks, I leave it alone…it’s dangerous and I will only get shouted at when I do it wrong. I can handle the dishwasher though.


Ah but - can you fold maps properly and work the DVD machine?? :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat:

Hell yes, I can even sing a map…Sherwood forest is nine miles long dodah doodah day what’s a dvd machine? I don’t need to understand electronic wizardry I have grandchildren :grinning:


In which case you can cook a lobster, with the added bonus of having a cleaned and warmed plate to serve it on.

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:smiley::smiley: good grief …lobster ? a tad to expensive for me


Unless you have money to burn it will be more a matter of when can you afford to do your washing

Yup we are all going to be dirtier .
We do wash a bit obsessively today ,before washing machines clothes had to last a couple of days at least .

… when the machine is full.

If you’re going to go to the expense of heating up water to 45 or 55 or whatever it is, it seems only right that you use the surplus energy to have a posh dinner

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God thinking Dex :grinning:

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It took me several seconds to try to remember what a dvd was.

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