How much is too much (of a food item)?

I love potato chips. I’m not worried about the unhealthy aspect. I get low-salt ones and I’m not worried about the oil and fat.

A couple months ago, I bought one bag of chips. It took me about a week to finish it.

This month, I bought 3 bags of chips. I’ve already eaten 1 and wonder how long the other 2 will last.

But now I’m wondering. What if I bought 10 bags of chips. At what point would I get sick of eating them?

I’m pretty sure I would because I did the same with cashews a while ago. I bought 3 lbs a month for a few months. (I’m back to loving them but I had a enough of them for a while back then.)

And once with tortilla chips. The store was discontinuing a certain brand, so I bought as many as I could get. Didn’t finish them all.

What’s your favorite food item, and how much would it take for you to get sick of it?

Oh! You mean crisps? I thought you were talking about chips that can be deep fried or oven cooked.

I only like plain crisps. I buy packs of 12 with a good sell by date as l don’t eat them every day. I like them at lunchtime with a sandwich.

Too much is when you feel sick after eating too many and you regret it.

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Oh yeah, forgot about that, crisps.

I like the low-salt crisps. Flavored is ok, but low-salt is preferable.

I’ve been thinking of buying the single sized packs too. Thanks for the reminder.

Agreed, but I don’t do that too often. Just for the sake of this thread, I wonder how many packets of crisps would it take if I ate one every day for me to get sick of them.

What is the weight of the bags of chips/crisps that you are eating?

I am talking about one 25gm bag of crisps at a time. I think l might start feeling sick even after eating two of those at one time.

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I would probably be eating the same sized bags. I don’t mean how many bags in a day until I get sick of it. I mean how many days with one bag each until I would get tired of it.

Well, l’m not going to volunteer to try it! I’ll leave it to you!! Stop eating them when you can’t get through a doorway!!

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lol, I’ll let you know how it goes if I try it. I’m under average weight right now so it might take a while to not fit in the door. :yum:

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I usually peel and cut my freshly bought spuds then make my own deep fried chips, fried in beef dripping. I also make my own crisps from mandolin shaved parsnips and quickly deep fry in not quite smoking rape seed oil. My crisps are best eaten with minestrone soup served with grated parmesan on the top.
Very occassionally I will buy a large bag of Kettle Chips if we are having a DVD night.

Don’t loose any more weight or your skirts will slip down :wink:

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OK, seems like the least of my worries, but maybe I need to eat more crisps. I’m good with that. :slight_smile:

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I try to use my parsnips up before they need a shave,

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Oh, I cannot be arsed with the fiddly small young ones, I prefer mine in adult form.

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I usually buy crisps (chips) in single serving size bags too and only open a bag maybe once or twice a week, if I want a few nibbles with a drink -
If I buy a large bag, I tend to eat a small bowlful, then seal the bag and because I know they’ll soon go soft, I keep on eating a small bowlful every day until the packet is empty - I am usually beginning to think “enough is enough” by the time I get to the end of the packet in 3 or 4 days - that puts me off buying more crisps for a while.

The other thing I do that with is peanut butter.
I love crunchy peanut butter now and again but once a jar is open, I think I should use it up before it goes off, so I tend to have a slice of toast with peanut butter every day for breakfast or as a snack, until the jar is empty - by which time I have had a surfeit of peanut butter and I don’t buy it again for many months or sometimes years.

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I eat dried cornflakes instead of crisps and I also like unsalted nuts which I buy from my local ‘Grape Tree’ store.

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Your setpoint is a lot lower than mine. I just ate a 2 1/2 lb jar (1.13 Kg based on the converter) of peanut butter in 2 1/2 months. I just got a new jar and am happily going through that.

One bag of chips satisfies you for another shopping trip. That just leaves me wanting more.

Thanks for sharing that. Interesting how we’re all different.

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So do you not consider cornflakes worthy of eating in their own right? I wouldn’t blame you. I have never liked cornflakes, and I don’t think that pretending they were crisps would make me able to eat them.

I eat both a cornflakes type cereal and crisps. I also get unsalted nuts.

Which nuts do you like? (just started a poll today)

I like a wide range of nuts. At the moment I’ve got Brazils, Cashews and almonds in. I love pistachios, hazel nuts too. I also sometimes get walnuts. It depends on what’s on a special in that store at a particular time. I buy them in 1 kg bags.

I’m lucky I’m not too keen on sweet things although I do eat a couple of portions of dark chocolate a day as it’s supposed to lower your blood pressure and I have high blood pressure.

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I read that chocolate is a mood lifter also. I bought some to try it, but chocolate used to give me migraines when I was younger, so I’ve been hesitant to try it again. People say that bodies change though.

Butterscotch go for the ones with the highest cocoa content. Preferably 90% or even higher, this is a 99% one:

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