How Much Free Time Do You Have?

Fruit is feast or famine here, currently citrus, bought a pile of mandarins at $2 a kilo. Personally not fond of peaches or apricots.

My favourite fruit is probably mangos, messy to cut up in season but worth the effort. Delicious with sticky rice.

I can’t say that I’ve ever had enough free time due to job and family demands. If you don’t live alone, there are always commitments reducing your free time. I was looking forward to retirement which I took six years ago hoping to have more free time but that’s not the case. Although there are no job obligations any more, quite a lot of my time is spent looking after two family members , not exactly as a carer as yet but as a helping hand to pilot them through the challenges of everyday life because I see that they are struggling. It is the give and take in families, I suppose. Others may see this as welcome proof of being needed but I don’t need such a feeling. I accept it the way it is, though, since I wouldn’t want to live alone either.

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Free time today is exterior prepping and painting. Maybe my problem isn’t free time, just the way I am spending it…fun, fun… :thinking: