How Much Free Time Do You Have?

You all seem so cool and collected, organized, and pacing your lives well. Meanwhile, I’ve been running around like a :chicken: with my head cut off for two years and counting.

How does your free time stack up and what do you do with most of it?


Free time …sleep , eat and walk mostly …walking is my hobby , I love to get out and see new places. I work full time so I need to be organised, hardly watch tv these days but chill out time is spent on my iPad reading up on news, looking for events to go to and general gossip. It helps when I get a good nights sleep (obviously today isn’t one of them) as everything fits into place then. :blush:

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Oh I have no free time…working a 40+ hours a week job sees to that. My days off consist of chores, food shopping and sleep.
I know I will crash and burn eventually, but for now I’m loving every minute of it. My art supplies are missing me too, heh!


My time is my own . I retired from full time work a long time ago . I worked part time up until last year . Im lucky , my time is my own . Trouble is , you have to get old for this to happen unless your born into wealth.


Retirement does that.


Free time is great, if you don’t use it for thinking :grin:

To think, some folks were this clued up (probably by accident) for a lifetime :laughing:

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My wife and I are both fully retired and have been for years so we have all the time in the world (Oh no we don’t!) and are making the most of whatever the day brings. We are on a weeks holiday down on the south coast at the moment in the rain of course but then it is England so that is always to be expected. When at home we spend much of our daytime visiting or being visited by our nineteen, yes 19, of our Grandkids. In fact as many retired people will tell you, I don’t know how I had the time to go to work.


Or the inclination? :laughing: :icon_wink:


I actually loved my job. Calling on several people every day to repair their failed TV sets or HiFi systems. They were so happy to see me, plus Tea was always highly featured in my working days.


My old man was a TV engineer in the early days, he fixed them for free, the silly bugger!!!


Spose that’s “Free Time”

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In the “early days” and I’m talking about the 50s and 60s, TV sets were generating around 7000 volts AC and 25000 volts DC. engineers had to be very aware.


We’re busy doin’ nothin’
Workin’ the whole day through
Tryin’ to find lots of things not to do
We’re busy goin’ nowhere
Isn’t it just a crime
We’d like to be unhappy, but
We never do have the time


Yes, as I remember it, the old geezer got a few shocks along the way.

We have a lot of free time. We were making good use of it on day trips etc. but we’re stuck at home (or close to it) recently. The free time can get a bit boring sometimes.


Like many others on here, I am retired and so my time belongs to me. I go wherever the mood takes me: seeing family, gardening, reading, lunching out with friends, going on trips to interesting places. I worked hard all of my life and feel that I now deserve to spend my time as I like. Since losing my husband I have had to learn to live alone and to do things on my own, that has been a hard learning curve for me but I’m getting there.


The comparatively small amount of free time I have is spent with my music and any leftover time is usually spent in on-line forums. Most of my busy times are usually spent working with and for my local JSCN and also with Ukranian resettlement in England.

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All day, every day. Retirement is bliss. Learning French for a holiday/wedding, learning to play piano, which I did as a child but gave up too soon, my teacher was a perfectionist.


particularly shocking … when you came into his Life!..

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As i’m retired I now work for the wife. So no free time for me.