How much do you weigh?

Men and Women, how much do you weigh?

We have only been here in Lowestoft now for 5 months and we have put on a lot of weight since we have been here.
My Husband has just come down from upstairs and told me, he has just weighed himself and I was shocked he is now 15 stone before we came here he was 13.5 stones, I am 10st 8lbs.

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Itā€™s the height/weight ration that is the important factor. I weigh in at 225lbs (16.1st) and a height now of 6ā€™ 5" (Iā€™ve lost an inch) my medical teams are as happy as I am.

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if its height weight ratio i should be 8ft tall but im 14 st at 5foot 10 usually around 13.5 stone still too heavy should be 12.5 st also muscles are heavier than fat so ā€¦


70kg for me
The dog is 35kg.


I can understand you being 16st if you are 6ft 5", my Husband is only 5ft 6" and its all Fat.

Iā€™m 5.6ā€¦its better to go on BMI which is supposed to be about 25ā€¦before lockdown I was below that figure now have to admit Iā€™m above by a few pointsā€¦its annoying how easy it is put on weight and how hard it is to lose it :frowning:

The NHS has a good BMI siteā€¦BMI calculator check

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For anyone wishing to use the NHS BMI calculator the link below might be the one:


I wont get on my scales :crazy_face:


I spent years at 96kg (5ft 10" tall) then about 8 years ago, the Wife went on a diet, so, as I had always joked, by 60 years old, my mission was to return the frame to the dimensions of the 16 year old, I joined her for moral support, after three months I managed to reduce to 76.4Kg (12 stone), ever since then I eat (and drink) what I like, weigh myself every morning, and when the scales read 80kg, I watch what I do for the next couple of days, so average about 78kgs now, the sixteen year oldā€™s proportion. :biking_man:

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Like my one brother we have always been large units.

Myself being around 6ft 2ā€ in height and at present weighing in at 19-3 (269llbs)

With Covid and a kidney stoneā€™s restricting exercise/movement and boredom eating has raised my weight from a mere 17-10 ish (248 lbs)

I weigh 9st.12lbs.
I used to be 8st.6lbs but that was before I started taking steroids for a medical condition.
Iā€™m struggling to stay in a size 14 ā€¦ A bit depressing really. :cry:

I often wonder what I weigh. I think I must have been in my 30s when I last got weighed, and I always used to be between 11.5 and 12 stone. I thing I must be less than that now.

How much do I weigh? Too much now thanks to the lockdown! Following a diagnosis, before the lockdown, of being pre-Type 2 diabetic I went on a course, through the NHS. This was to understand diabetes and the effect food and being overweight had in relation to this. I learned a lot and through a ā€˜change of lifestyleā€™ (note not ā€˜dietā€™ as that sounds temporary) lost 10kg. Due to this the pre-diabetes diagnosis was reversed. My weight was then what I should be in relation to my height, now though I know itā€™s increased so I really must do something about that.

Interestingly though thereā€™s another measurement, one taken into account as an indication of being healthy or unhealthy in respect of weight. Thatā€™s the waistline when measured in line with the top of the hips, anything in excess of 36" (91.44 cms) is considered an indication of possible future health problems so weight needs to be lost. Thatā€™s what the health professional on that NHS course reckoned anyway.


Why doesnā€™t anybody here measure weight in kg? Itā€™s just simpler. Hospitals, nurses, GPs, engineers, vets, grocery stores,ā€¦why not everybody?

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I now weigh far more than I did last July, 14.3 kilos more.

Lack of mobility and a side effect of two of the medications I am on.

I start the frusemide again next week, which should result in a fairly rapid weight loss.

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Too much
Me Mr M and the dog have all put on weight in lockdown :frowning:

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To quote in kilogrammes, there will always be a decimal point, but with pounds, it is always in a full number; I am 225lbs without any decimal points. In KGs I am 102.1
My cardio dept weighs me in Kgs and then looks at a conversion chart to convert to Stones and Pounds because the consultant wants it that way.

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When I hear weight expressed in stones, I have a better sense of how heavy a thing is than I do with kilos.


How much do I weigh? Not very much.

When I was an HGV driver I often had to put a truck onto scales going in & out of somewhere & I obviously do weigh things when cooking, if needed. But itā€™s not that often.

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Iā€™m was raised a lbs and ozs supporter so a lbs and ozs supporter I remain! :grinning: