How much do you pay for a haircut?

My hairdresser charges me £9, she mainly does ladies hair but also fits in some blokes.
I don’t think my perm and blue rinse looks so bad…

My hairdresser just gets a slap to work with!

Posh I am not. Engineering, my field, is pragmatic.

my son is an engineer, you might have worked together

Possibly so. My field was industrial power electronics up to the MW/11kV range.

I pay between £45 and £70 for a cut. More for highlights. I have paid more for a cut when going to a swishy salon. But the trouble is that when I’ve had a fabulous cut, they can never quite replicate it no matter how much you pay. I think it depends on the type of hair you have. I’d love to have really straight hair that can be easily cut to perfection and stay in shape. But my hair has a “natural wave” so a good cut is so essential as inevitably there will be a cowlick just where I don’t want it.

I’m a clippers person too. I cut my hair and beard yesterday in preparation for my trip - into the shower (easier to collect the clippings) - #2 spacer for both beard and hair.

Job done.

Now that’s what I call a bargain :tada:

£19 quid, once a year, in Cellys, a cheapie hairdresser chain. Plus a couple of quid tip

My hair is long, down to my waist, so I only have it trimmed and shaped properly once a year

In between, I cut my own fringe, like this!

And give it a trim, only cut off about an inch, like this!

£22 quid a year, I’m low maintenance and a cheap date :rofl:

I had about 6ins lopped off my mane a few days ago, and my full fringe cut a bit. Cost me a fiver and she came to the house.
Been over a year since my hair was cut, but it was getting hard to handle.

£18, dry cut. More of a trim.

I don’t pay a brass razoo as one of my family does it for me :+1:

I sleep with my barber so I pay in kind… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Do you leave him a tip?

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That’s what the fat girl said to the fat guy …thanks for the tip :astonished::point_right::grin::+1:

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:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :shushing_face: :rofl:

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Get yer coat, you’ve pulled…

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I just wonder, is it the fact that one is aged 70 plus, that one no longer hears the immortal words from the barber, "A little something for the weekend sir!?? :worried: :open_mouth: :cry:

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Haha, as I’ve been married to her for nearly 40 years then no, all of my tips were exhausted years ago… :rofl:


I once saw the actor who played Eddie Yates in Corra at the races one day and a guy came up to him and asked 'any tips mr. Whatisname:" and eddie looked both ways then told him
“never put black polish on brown boots”…boom boom

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