How much are you paying for gas/electric?

It’s your hard earned money Dex, and looking after it is your responsibility. I don’t want any Tom, Dick, or Harry dibbing into my account. Isn’t keeping track of your own spending and withdrawals worth keeping track of? The trouble with us humans is…We always take the path of least resistance…Using plastic to pay for stuff and contactless too. Direct Debit so we don’t have to waste time with financial rubbish…I’m surprised at a mathematician not keeping a sharp eye on his spending.


An Englishman’s home is his castle d00d, and I will not be driven out by greedy energy companies.

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Oh I do!!! As said, I view it as another bank account and control how much goes into it. I also trust heir ability to estimate usage and hence likely cost. Why have a dog and bark yourself? They’ve not got it wrong so far.

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I use electricity and absolutely no gas (gas turned off, by request, at the meter - nothing left that uses gas, here) and, I’m paying, for that electricity: £211.00 per month. Go, figure! :frowning:

This is just anecdotal but a Yorkshire lady at my seniors club was phoned last week by her niece (might have been granddaughter) from the UK (presumably Yorkshire but not sure) to say that her family was paying £100 a WEEK for electricity. We were all suitably shocked.

BTW this lady has a broad Yorkshire accent and her niece also told her that she sounded very Australian but with a posh accent. The meeting erupted in laughter at this.

Wow electric blankets all round



Very helpful. Thanks.

Hey Foxy you like to get out & about, get your blood circulating, trot around the block.

Some of these over 50s think survival is all about huddling around the radiator, counting the kilowatt hours.

An Englishman’s home is his castle, open the doors & windows every morning, let some air through, tarzan chest beating, bugger off for the day.


That’s the plan d00d, but with all this global warming they are promising us, I don’t think winter will be all that bad this year…

You do know glabl warming doesn’t mean warmth though? Yes…good, just checking :+1:

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However cold it gets I’ll still be wearing my shorts all through the winter Pixie. Us Yorkshire postmen are tough…


You are wild, Foxy, wild I tells ya! :astonished:

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I like to wear shorts but more jazzy socks are essential.

Just plain white socks and trainers while wearing shorts for me d00d.

Electric blankets?
Blimey, that’s a blast from the past.
I’ll be keeping my Carmen rollers and that’s that !

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Me too, I wear shorts all year for every occasion, except weddings, funerals and rare winter visits to Canberra.

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The trouble is that in a few days prices will all be out of date…:frowning:

Reading a book = 0 pence per hour
Petting your cat = 0 pence per hour
walking your dog = 0 pence per hour
looking out of the window at the sunshine or rain = 0 pence per hour
writing a journal = 0 pence per hour
having a duvet day = 0 pence per hour


Quite however it gives an idea of what is and what isn’t a heavy user of electric.

At the moment the list up to date .
Undoubtedly when there is another increase there will be another list .

Freezing to death = 0 pence per hour
Starving to death = 0 pence per hour