How much are you paying for gas/electric?


D D is good for me, I am often in hospital

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Bulb. As of today…614 in credit, 210pcm dd payments.

Not particularly worried that it’s in their bank and not mine, as I’d not be making a huge amount of interest on it. I view it as a separate bank account (like a few people, I have a few different ones on the go, hypothecated for different purposes).

Just added up our last four quarters … £840 dual fuel British Gas, paid monthly DD.

The secret of keeping warm is to get out & about. Unfortunately that’s not so easy for all OAPs.

Google says:

To boil a full kettle (2 litres): £0.06p ; To boil a half-full kettle (1 litre): £0.03p

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More info here…

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Absolutely d00d, is she married? Just asking for a friend… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
And more people are waking up to the fact that we are being duped by the media, the energy companies and the government

Concerning Gas and Electric…
My next quarter bill will be coming soon in September. I have just checked my previous twelve months bills for duel fuel supplied by British gas and it amounts to £1300
We’ll see by how much it has gone up.
Like May, Morty and Hedgehopper, I send in my readings each quarter and they email me a bill. I then pay by card online. Why not do as I do, and put so much away each month in a tandem account attached to my main current account. It might not have built enough to pay a large winter bill, but it usually accounts for half. And if you have saved it for over a year, it usually evens out.


You are doing well to get I that low

Sorry foxy, but I don’t really see any difference between doing that and paying into an account owned by my supplier. I can choose, to an extent, how much I pay in by the simple expedient of changing the dd amount on the website, and prefer to pay something which approximates the amount that they predict will be needed so as not to have any huge unexpected shortfall. As you say, it all evens out in the end anyway.

My option has been to pay into my BG account an amount each month so remaining in credit not via DD or SO just me paying in and giving a meter reading each time I do so it a running total, at the moment I am due a bill in October then Jan then April and as it stands I am £424.16 in credit had an email from BG saying that the government “help” will be credited £66 in Sept and monthly for 6 months thereafter until done, expect we are all the same in this.

I cannot see me returning to DD my trust has gone with the energy companies

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A small terraced house, well insulated. The latest combi gas boiler, on for 20mins warms the place for hours. Victorian walls may not be cavity but thick and solid, holding the heat. And, as I said above, we get out & about.

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We pay £72 a month for gas and electric from OVO by direct debit. It went up from £52 a month at the last price increase in the spring.

You read sad stories of OAPs sitting on a bus or train all day using their free travel just to keep warm.

I have the pay as you go system too, not the cheapest option but it has its advantages at this point in time.

I’m stocking up on gas before winter, electricity is going to be tricky!

@Chilliboot , when you say you are stocking up on gas l assume you are
on bottled gas ?? Dont you have to pay for the bottles in some way
How does it work ?
Or do you have an extra large gas storage tank ?
My monthly bill at the moment are about £140 pm, but that has been averaged
out over the year so that l remain in credit ,l cancelled my debit order
yesterday and have just recieved an E mail from Eon to acknowledge the
cancellation and informing me l am in deficit by £7 summat and that l must
contact them if l need help ??
Will be contacting them later today!! :grin::grin::grin:

Yes I suppose I was being a bit vague. It’s a long story but I have a top up card gas card issued by British Gas and a little top up key for electricity.
I take them to the post office, pay for what ever fuel I want or can afford and insert the above into the meters to top up the credit.

I think the maximum I can store on the gas meter is £200 although I really need to re-evaluate. The downside is it’s not the cheapest way of buying fuel, the upside is avoiding any involved dealings with energy providers, there’s no way I’d set up an account using direct debit.

@Chilliboot , Ah, l , see, we had system like that in south africa you had to
buy a scratch card from a shop though and enter that in the meter !
It worked well, and couldnt be interfered with !! :+1::grin::grin::+1:

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In a nutshell…yes. :wink:

Yea … stopping off en route for a free:

museum, gallery, music recital, political debate, rally, demo, food tasting, heart warming and back home for lunch.

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I’m sure there are things to do wherever you are. Anything is better than hanging around at home in winter trying to keep warm, fearing your next heating bill.