contributed maybe, good is debatable
That might my doing…was nosing around sorry
No need to apologise there is nothing wrong with it, it seems to be something that happens on forums, ancient, long deceased threads suddenly spring back into life. Sometimes they become quite interesting or even exciting again. This forum needs a bit of livening up.
hello hello hello I’ve come with me livening rod !! - who needs livening up first - aussies or non-aussies??
i’m not sure I like sound of that…or maybe I do lol
I think that now I’m equipped with my own built in defibrillator, I won’t need your ‘Livening Rod’ Gummy, but thanks anyway…
Having your own built in defibrillator must give you such a buzz…
Sorry, couldn’t resist
I think some people may have forgotten this is an introduction thread
Coming on the forum has the same effect Lucy…
The temptation to say something thoroughly inappropriate in regard to where you are ‘coming’ is strong, but I am stronger, I will resist…
Whilst what you say is absolutely true, the person being introduced hasn’t posted for 2 years so we are just chatting among ourselves while we wait for their triumphant return.
Just keeping out of the way.
Complete with trumpeted fanfare and confetti I am hoping…and of course deep gratitude for keeping their dream alive
too much? lol
I think I know where you are ‘coming’ from Lucy…
Give it a rest OGF…this thread isn’t about you…it’s an introduction thread, now behave, or i’ll throw water all over you…then what will happen…?
This thread was nearly three year old before it was resurected anyway.
G’day Lucylulu! You caught me by surprise here! I thought for a moment you were my daughter! She’s Lucylulu too! But she hasn’t lived in Oz.
It’s a small world and an even smaller country, but that would have been one hell of a coincidence!
Kia Ora…nice to see another Kiwi alive and well on here…I thought I was destined to fly solo forever
R Mar was Aussie born and bred (of English parents) and proud of it. She was eleven when the family gave up their farm and moved to England, and she had dual nationality, but an Australian passport, although she also had right of residency in the UK.
If anyone mentions cricket, I tell them I’m half Australian.
Anyway, welcome to the forum Lucylulu.
Abandon hope all ye who click enter here.

If anyone mentions cricket, I tell them I’m half Australian.
I guess when all the criminals were deported to Australia all cricketing talent was exported with them