How long have you had your Drivers License?

53 years

Got done twice in the 70s for a bald tyre and stopping on a zigzag, but clean now.


I have Never received any tickets although one early morning Boxing Day travelling up to Newcastle I was pulled over by a police cars flashing lights and had a breathalyserā€¦ was a horrid experience as had a few drinks the night before felt bliminā€™ heckersā€¦ but was completely clear ā€¦Was told not to speed again though!
Motorway route and was about 5.00am so hardly any trafficā€¦

so you've washed behind your ears now then Doodee

clean as a whistle

Iā€™ve had my licence 40+ years - I did take a test when I was 17 but failed and didnā€™t bother again until I was in my 30s when I passed straightaway - with age comes wisdom :smiley:


I too passed in 1988 Bretrick.

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65 yrs and yes itā€™s still clean.


Passed the motorbike test on my first attempt in 1966 and my car test on the second attempt in 1967 so 57 years. Had three speeding tickets in that timeā€¦First one was when I was eighteen in my souped up mini van. I was going to college on day release from my apprenticeship as a fitter and turnerā€¦The weather was very hot and sunny and decided to go to Bridlington for a kickabout on the beach instead. Half a dozen lads volunteered to make up a team, so we abandoned college and zoomed offā€¦A bit too zoomy though, and on the way home got stopped doing about 80mph in a sixty zoneā€¦The Policeman, although friendly, took a dim view of my formula one antics and issued the fineā€¦
Second one was during the time I was a courier on my way to Sheffield on a time sensitive job, a concealed police camera van on the parkway done me properā€¦
Third time was another crafty concealed camera van on a road that used to be 40mph and had suddenly changed to 30mph, that was while I was driving to the start of a walk about five years agoā€¦I was doing 38mphā€¦
I think people who work on the road ie. courier or delivery driver have a lot more chance of attracting fines than weekend drivers or those who just use their car to get to work.
Itā€™s not really worthy of bragging about a clean licence if your vehicle stays in the garage most of the timeā€¦I was doing about 10,000 miles per monthā€¦

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I got zapped by a van camera twice, in exactly the same spot, how stupid is that :smile:


They always want your maiden name for documentsā€¦even on my Titre de sejour the residency doc, it has Kurn ep.Woollams
Valid until the age of 86ā€¦dont know what happens then though as people drive here foreverā€¦just sometimes the vehicle you are only allowed to drive is restricted to a ā€˜fart carā€™ as they are called!


Iā€™m driving the same stretch of road, and doing the same walk as I did when I got done Spitty. So folks behind can shake their fists and blow their horns but I will be driving at 20mph tomorrowā€¦Bugger themā€¦ :frowning_face:


Hubs was driving down to Angouleme for our due eye tests,You have to go to a Ophthalmologist if your test is older than 3 yearsā€¦
Hit this stretch of road and the speed limit suddenly goes down because of a few housesā€¦110 to 90 normally but no oh no this one was 80 so Hubs got done and then 10 mins later he got caught out again,two hundred Euros and points for 6 monthsā€¦was a Minor offence as he was just over the 10% allowed but the fine is steepā€¦


What happened was, in the next village up, where their main street went into open country in our direction, preparations were made to develop the green belt land extending that village boundary by about a quarter of a mile into open country, a couple of service roads were constructed, but no houses were ever built, but the council extended the 30mph to the new theoretical boundary line, this stretch of road previously being national speed limit. There are no new dangers on this stretch of road (the service roads arenā€™t even connected to the highway) so it has become a nice little earner.


I was 19,in London, 1986, third attempt :upside_down_face:


For forty years. I passed at the first attempt yet I shouldnā€™t have. Driving instructions were a farce which was proven when I almost hit a pedestrian at a crossing because Iā€™d never been exposed to such a (standard) situation.


No tickets for anything but some of that is luck rather than care.


I would never have passed meā€¦I clipped the curb I jerket the gears I was a wreak and gobsmacked when he said PASSED!
I had 4 proper driving lessons and bad habits as a friend fellow/work mate from the Forestry Commission Daysā€¦Owen Nā€¦was a bit of a hippy kinda of a fellowā€¦Taught me in his Dormobiles ā€¦he did not actually instruct me as such just said slow down a bit to the left no a bit to the rightā€¦had a Colum gear stick and good brakes!

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Anyone done a Speed Awareness Course?

About three years ago I got caught doing 33mph in a 30mph. Did the course via ā€œMS Teamsā€, itā€™s like Skype or Zoom, avoided the point off licence and the fine. But you have to pay for the pleasure, costing roughly the same as the fine.

30 speed limits are now 20, so I got a car with a Speed Limiter ā€¦ set to 20mph.

Iā€™ve leant to ignore the car behind, tho rarely do I find they just donā€™t realise why I going so pathetically slow.


Any reason why he did pass you?
Officially, I had eight driving lessons in a small town with hardly any traffic (no cars back then) but they boiled down to 4-5 real ones. The reason was that economising on petrol was the top priority since there was a scarcity. Peopleā€™s lives obviously didnā€™t count.

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I really was glad to have passedā€¦His only comment was about the gear changingā€¦lot of nervousness going on at that timeā€¦same when I walked down the Aisle in Beddington Church my knees were knocking I swear itā€¦ :zipper_mouth_face:

why does a phone call always have to be bad newsā€¦had another and now had my limit