How far North/South have you travelled?

Same Situation


I travel quite a bit, but I’m finding that I also tend to stay on my own sort of Northeastern US latitude. The furthest south I’ve even been is Key West, and the furthest north is Montreal. Most trips have been to similar climates … UK, France, Germany. I’m going on a trip this winter, to (not surprisingly) … London, Kent, and Paris.

North: Somewhere west of Shetland
South: South Island NZ Timaru

I often wonder if we go far enough West, at what point do we end up in the East?

You could be savaged by penguins!

Edinburgh and Lands End in England.
Toronto and Orange Free State elsewhere.
I’m never sure how far North we are compared to Canada.

Isn’t that what the International Date Line is for?

North Norway
South Mauritius
East Vancouver
West Thailand
and all stops in between

Wait a minute is Botswana further south than Orange Free State?

Furthest South…The Amazon and furthest North…Alaska

Yes I suppose it is, still weird though, going East, going East East - Oops! too far you are now in the West. :-p

I’m just going South :frowning:


North would be Iceland I would think and South would probably be South Island New Zealand

Which Branch?:wink:


My geography isn’t great…furthest north probably Alaska or is St Petersburgh further north?..As for south probably the Amazon or is Singapore and Bali further south?.. them anyway.

Lands end to John O’Groats