How Do You Feel About a Possible Lockdown

Count me in.

We can’t help you. All we can do is welcome you with open arms.

And me…Hick…

Eh, I didnt cancel :rofl:

What a coincidence, it’s your shout! I have a schooner ta.

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but you is already round the bend? :rofl:

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LQ, Ha! That sounds like toilet humour!

Can l just add to this, l meant l have continued to go out to do my food shopping, attending dentist and hospital appointments… not living it up and painting the town red!

You do look a bit flushed Arty…
Happy Christmas…

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I know but l’m trying to get it out of my cisterm!

Thank You, Foxy Loxy. Happy Christmas to you, your wife and family. xx

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Ha! Ha! Love it…And thanks Arty…

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You guys are on a roll!


A sausage roll Annie…?
Yum! Yum! Love em’…I’ve got plenty in just in case Boris decides to shut the gate…

:grin:more of a toilet roll!


I saw some people stocking up on loo roll in Asda yesterday. It’s starting again…

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Annie, I think they are stocking up on tissues too. I usually buy Tesco’s own brand box of 225 tissues but they didn’t have any, nor did Asda. I eventually got some in Morrisons.

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This might explain why sainsbury’s were short of their own brand twin boxes. Hard to tell these days whether it’s stockpiling or supply chain issues.

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Thanks for the ‘heads up’ Annie, are should I say ‘Bottoms up!’

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Well - whatever Boris the Barmy decides - I flatly refuse to panic about this filthy plague. Happily I have a robust immune system and will keep it that way. Have never, ever, had any form of influenza, and it must be at least 40yrs since I even had a cold.

I will continue my very early morning walks to fill my lungs with clean air. I will continue with sensible precautions when venturing into shops/restaurants etc., so as not to put myself or others at risk. Common sense and logic will, hopefully, prevail in most situations.

I will not, however, become a prisoner in my own home, be driven bonkers, or live in fear! :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:


Nice subtle Toilet reference AnnieS. :grinning:

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