How about recommending some ancient films

I have a couple;
Nosferatu - available on - free
Man of Aran

I suppose it depends on how you define ancient Bret

Ealing Studios? This one never fails to send a few shivers down the spine.

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I have not seen that one.

It’s very British, not in the least bit gratuitous and slightly unsettling
an old classic really.

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Not ancient but a great movie from the 50’s
12 Angry Men. Henry Fonda and lots of well known great actors in this one.
After watching this film, you’ll likely never want to be called for jury duty!


Pretty sure I have not seen that one.

I have a box set of DVDs of Ealing comedies, of course I have since transfered them to MP4s but they include, The Ladykillers, Kind Hearts and Coronets, The Lavender Hill Mob, Passport to Pimlico etc still watch them occasionally. Alec Guiness, Stanley Holloway, Peter Sellers, Cecil Parker, Irene Handel, so many stars

Very hard to go past Casablanca and The African Queen too.

Seance on a Wet Afternoon is another I dig out occasionally to watch.

I like old films but as soon as my kids see they are in black and white they won’t watch them


Also one of my favourites from the 50’s - The Inn of the Sixth Happiness. Ingrid Bergman plays Gladys Aylward, a missionary in China. The film is based on a true story.

I have this film in my collection, never get tired of watching it. :slightly_smiling_face:


I always loved the old Hammer Horror Films, have most of them on DVD.


I only ever watch ancient films. Hitchcock and anything with Bogart,that sort of thing.My personal recommendation would be The Third Man.

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I have met her but don’t remember much about it.I was very young .She gave a talk to members of my parent’s church.They said she was a very serious, intense sort of person. :grinning:


Will Hay (Oh Mr Porter,Ask a Policeman,Where’s that fire) For comedy.
Always incompetent and dishonest.

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Oh yes!

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55 Days in Peking,based on the Boxer uprising of 1900. it was on TV not so long ago , a really good film.


I really like.

Went the day well.


I imagine she was an interesting person to listen to, and had some amazing experiences in China, P.

How about terrifying Tod Slaughter films of the 30s :scream:

Ice Cold In Alex - John Mills, Anthony Quayle.
Great film. :+1:

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Vincent Price has got to be my all time favourite actor, throw Edgar Allan Poe and Roger Corman as producer and director into the mix

Roger Corman had a thing about the psychedelic
I watched The Trip once, really don’t think I could sit through it again :009:

I’m really into what they call the “pre code” movies
frim 1930 to about 1935

ALL manner of things were shown
drug addiction, abortions, prostitution, a dad pimping his own daughter

My fave of that era is the uncut (so all the controversial things are in it) “Babyface”, with Barbara Stanwyck

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