How about anything goes thread

We have new bins in the parks…


They do not deter companies trying it on though I am afraid to say.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Very funny, but it would be even better if the point of entry for the poo bags was his mouth - now that would be very satisfying :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oops, sorry @Mags - this should have been a reply to you, not JBR!


Patients with COVID in hospital in England at there highest in a year, in Scotland we have set a new record but this barely gets a mention on news bulletins as it seems that our news broadcasters can only concentrate on one crisis at a time.


This made me feel very emotional. Such talent.


Not really that talented. Probably around grade 2 or 3 at best.

Just been informed that the £35 Dormeo tried to charge me for delivery has been refunded and a replacement for the concrete slab that was the Dormeo topper has arrived.
Always fun opening these vacuum packed items as I remember the Emma mattress trying to kill me once I had cut into the plastic covering. :rofl:


Anything goes? Well I hope this goes soon - I’ve just tested positive :frowning_face:


Well - that is 2 or 3 better than me anyway!

Didn’t care much for the piano itself - all that carving - a bit weird.

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Hope you don’t have it too badly. My little sister is just getting over it, said she felt the way she did when she had glandular fever.

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Thanks @Maver-rik. I’m not too bad at the moment, just a mild headache, tickly cough and feel tired. Hopefully it won’t get much worse than this, but judging by how my daughter’s been (and I’m sure I caught it from her), I fear it will get worse before it gets better :worried:


@Bathsheba - so sorry to hear that - take of yourself.

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Thanks Tabby, I’m currently walking round with an antibacterial wipe, cleaning everything I touch as I go! Hopefully Mr B will avoid it if I’m really careful, but I’m not counting on it!

Sorry to hear that @Bathsheba, I hope it doesn’t get too bad for you.

Take care….

Aww Sheba :hugs: Fingers crossed it will be mild for you and go soon. x

Thanks @Mags and @PixieKnuckles. So far so good…

Best wishes Bathsheba and hope that it’s not too bad.

Talented enough that he was discovered , taken in and given a home , some food as well as an opportunity to sing the national anthem for the worlds most popular football game.

Good enough that he went from homeless to having a job of a lifetime and a real home in a subdivision to live in.

I’d say that pretty darn good myself.