How about anything goes thread

but it’s the quality of guests not the quantity, scraping the barrel ya cheeky mare slap haha

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Technicly those silver candlestick holders aren’t “leftovers” so we’d like them back please hun.


I remember a party many years ago, dancing to Echo Beach with a lad I thought I might befalling in love with. Turned out I wasn’t, but that feeling of being on the brink of falling in love was great. When ever I hear that song I still get a frisson.


Yummmm. I’m so hungry now after looking at this. Lol

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Well I’m off to bed. And I didn’t even go to the Not Birthday party last night, so I really don’t have any business feeling as tired as I do :yawning_face:. So nighty night everyone, see ya termorrer. Glad you enjoyed the show @ruthio, I’m so envious!


I saw Colm Wilkinson and he was fab. I absolutely loved that musical.


I was watching crufts last night, and the kennel name of one of the dogs (an apricot toy poodle) was Agent Orange. Agent Orange was a herbicide used as a form of chemical warfare during the Vietnam War. Seems an odd thing to use as a kennel name.

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Well I think they’re odd people @Maver-rik :crazy_face:

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and me!

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awwwww sowwy, it was a last minute thing, for some reason I got it in my head it was Ruthios birthday but apparently not…senior moment for me perhaps hehehe

But ST you were there, do you not remember leading us in the conga, and then demonstrating how you can juggle with 2 bananas, a small jar of olives and a second hand porcupine?


My fault entirely, I said my outing to the theatre was a birthday present so everyone assumed it was my birthday!
It was lovely! Although it was really several weeks ago :rofl::rofl:

Let’s have another Not Birthday for those who missed the first one! :partying_face::boom::clap::birthday:


That wasn’t me. I heard rumours it was Morti and she followed it up with her nude clog dance on the draining board!


I have a side saddle never used it for over 30 years .
Riding side saddle is elegant and makes you sit up but it’s not the most secure feeling and if the horse falls you may end up with horse and saddle on top of you .

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It’s nearly time for Jersey Royals and asparagus! :yum::yum::yum::yum::yum:


I heard that was a tap dance. You know, tap dance? By the sink? Oh never mind.


This made me laugh! :joy:

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You should faucet it onto us


My tap keeps dripping. If it gets worse I’ll need a plumber.

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Tiffiany, Just be glad its not your nose…or your private parts!!