How about anything goes thread

Got a headache this morning… I’m gettin to old for these parties :balloon:


Next Saturday I’m going to see my friend at her house, it’s been over a year since I’ve been and very nervous after all of Covid, because it hasn’t gone away and the cases are rising again. , They don’t go anywhere only see family and the family doesn’t go anywhere also.

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My niece tried to sue the GP practice of her father (I was also a patient there and knew the doctor concerned), because they overlooked his symptoms. He died of a brain tumour, and it could have been diagnosed earlier, had they listened to him and what he had wrong at the time. He bled out in front of my niece and her cousin, leaving her utterly distraught.

She tried for a number of years to get some justice, or the doctor reprimanded, and got a solicitor involved, but I think she gave up in the end, as she got nowhere. They close ranks, don’t they?

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They certainly do which is quite shocking, if mistakes are made then they should be addressed in the hope they do not happen again.
If the airline industry behaved like the medical profession planes would be falling out of the sky all the time, but they look at a problem and deal with it.
I was left unable to ever eat again because of my consultants arrogance, she got away with it.

If that happens then you should take it higher up to the health authority. That’s what they are there for.

Jazzi, sadly, this isn’t a one off there are loads of brain tumours that don’t get picked up by the GP and is a reason why it’s so important to get your eyes tested.

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There is no higher, what happens when you make a complaint with my health board is you contact what is now called the Patient Experience team, in 2015 after an independent inquiry they were found to not be fit for purpose which gives you some idea what you are up against.

They are supposed to investigate the complaint, keep the complainer informed but instead what they did was hand the complaint to the department the complaints about who investigate themselves and the patient Experience team accepts this.

I found all this out by submitting a Freedom of information request where I discovered the shenanigans they get up to, deliberately wasting time, ‘losing’ evidence accusing the complainer of being mentally unstable, denying what they say on the phone later, that didn’t work as I recorded all calls so then they tried to make out I was committing a criminal act by recording the calls, I was not it is perfectly legal.
The list is endless.

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As far as I know it’s only legal to record calls if you tell the other party that they are being recorded. Not sure if that law has changed since 19 canteen.

I’m not sure if you live in England and whether you already tried this, but if you do (& haven’t) then you can take it further here :

Thanks but I think I have mentioned I am in Scotland where things are done very differently, but that said it was 12 years ago so I would be time barred anyway.
Up here it is called Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) and it too has a poor reputation.

Ah I see, I wasn’t sure. That’s a pity. Scotland & Wales do seem to have very different systems to England.

It is legal to record all calls and it is not necessary to tell the person at the other end. What is illegal is sharing that call with a third person without permission. I researched this quite heavily prior to buying the equipment.

I had no intention of playing the calls to a third person unless it became necessary to support my case, I recorded them because NHS Lothian would deny something they had said on the phone if it suited them.

My knowledge of this is clearly out of date. Looking at the 1998 data protection act (which has been replaced with the 2018 version including GDPR)

But it seems since GDPR it’s been tightened up - however perhaps the law is and has always been different for private individuals?

Under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) it is legal for individuals to tape conversations, provided the recording is for their own use.

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Oh wow! :upside_down_face::star_struck::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
How lovely of you all to make such a wonderful fuss of me on my Not Birthday! :rofl::rofl:
I’m late to my party, but there’s a few leftovers I’ve popped into my bag for later! :partying_face:
And I’ve covered the gently snoring sleeping bodies (under the table with blankets so they don’t wake up cold! :zzz: :sleeping:

Les Mis was just great, cheers and standing ovations I thought would never end, it really is a triumph of a show. Right now it’s on Sky Arts this evening, the 25th Anniversary Performances with Michael Ball, Alfie Boe, Matt Lucas etc, which I’ve got on dvd :dvd:

Thank you lovely warm hearted fun loving online mates for making my day on this great thread!
mwah :kissing_heart: mwah :kissing_heart: mwah :kissing_heart:


Such a shame you missed it, but I saved some not Birthday cake for you @ruthio

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It was a quiet night so we were scraping the barrel Ruthio lol

Roll out the barrel you mean!! :rofl::rofl:

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How was the show anyway?

Keep up Mel, I already told you!!! :rofl:
Gotta go now, Ipcress calls :wave: :wave:

Les Mis is FANTASTIC, my favourite all time star is Philip Quast who played Javert, unfortunately I was never lucky enough to see him, I do wish I had been. Saying that, I’ve seen Les Mis twice now and I thoroughly enjoyed every star in that show.