How about anything goes thread

Cleaning up after last nights party


That is so kind of you, and a joy to watch, you might need to add a bit of disinfectant to the bucket when you do the corner with the large rubber plant!


So that was you ? :joy:

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Party? What party? No one sent me an invitation. Flippin’ typical, you all go and have fun and forget about me. That’s it, I’m having an incredible sulk now



Of course we invited you, it must have got lost in the post, we missed you, please accept these.


It was no fun. I don’t enjoy myself at all


Well yeah…what the heck were you all drinking? Talk about dancing like nobody was watching! :joy: Oh Happy Birthday Ruthio! :partying_face:

Peeved I missed the party, but hey…at least I’m up and about without the sore head…and hips! :smiley:


Me on the way home from the party


I recently managed to get a copy of my medical records for the past 15 years from my GP practice and it makes for some interesting reading.
At least four issues I have nobody felt the need to mention. A couple of issues have the cause which is totally wrong, in one case blaming surgery I never had.
Not sure what I should do about this, will need to give it some thought.


Am I reading that correctly? They say you had surgery at one point, and you didn’t? And now you appear to have a health concern relating to the phantom surgery?? :scream:

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This is the process to correct the records. They won’t change the original records but can add a note with the amendment to your notes.

I can no longer swallow solid food due to issues with throat cancer treatment 12 years ago. I only had chemo and radiation, no surgery yet my medical records say that my total dysphagia was caused by surgery when in fact it was caused by a major mistake made by my oncologist.


I think that where medical records are concerned that in the first instance you contact the GP practice. Oddly they cannot be changed but a note can be added but my main point is that these incorrect entries in my records may have had an impact on past treatment decisions.

The hospital should have a complaints procedure, it depends on how far you want to take it and what you hope to achieve because you can also go down the legal route with a no win no fee. You can’t turn back the clock but there is a route for compensation if you have the energy to pursue. Seeing incorrect medical records is insulting particularly if it is as appears to cover up negligence. Perhaps this was deliberate as the oncologist realised the mistake. It’s something you could pursue in the first instance, just a matter of fact letter to the hospital asking questions.

Sorry and I have edited my post the records I am referring to came from my GP practice.
As for the consultants mistakes I put in an official complaint but I did not win as the NHS take a bunker attitude with complaints and will do and say anything to make you either drop your complaint or discredit you. I could tell some quite disgraceful tales of the dirty tricks used by NHS management after I submitted my complaint.
As for no win no fee, they are leeches.


This is true but it can give you closure.

Thank you @Maver-rik, they’ve really cheered me up. They look lovely in my sitting room!

Happy Birthday @ruthio, sorry I missed all the festivities, but at least I don’t have a banging head this morning, hee hee

Liar liar pants on fire


I’m dwunk think i still 3fe81065bbffca501c995e7eff1f8c58


Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Ruthio, happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Ruthio, happy birthday to you

(can I stop washing my hands now?)