Hot Water Bottles!

I think you are supposed to change them every couple of years the boiling water affects the rubber.

In what way? I’ve had mine for years and it’s still going strong :003:

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So did I until I was emptying one which was a few years old and it split. But what do they cost? $5, $8? if you change it every year you are not going to go broke, one less cappuccino per annum perhaps?

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My hot water bottle yep luv it …it becomes my bestie in these chilly dark days

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Hi Azz I had a hot water bottle for years until one night I rolled on it and it burst and soaked my bed , now I buy one each year , it took days to dry the mattres :slightly_smiling_face:

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I hope it wasn’t boiling hot Susan! :fire:

Did it show any wear? One of mine did break once but it was showing wear and tear around the neck and cap, is that where yours broke?

No it was luke warm thank goodness , soaked me and my bed and no signs at all of wear. I had to use a hair dryer for hours to try to dry mattress it took about 3 days .

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I used to test my HWBs by filling them to the intended level, putting them on the floor, on top of a spread out couple of bin bags, and laying down, on them, a 20 Kg weights disk. If, three days later, checking it lots of times per day, there was no leakage, I’d start using it.