Hi all

Hi all …I am new here so I thought I would just say hello…::lol:

Hello Steve, welcome to the nicest forum on planet earth. :mrgreen:

Hello Steve, welcome to a friendly forum, hope you enjoy your stay. :slight_smile:

PS - this will probably be moved to the Introduction section :wink:

Hi Mollie …we shall see …if i ever get used to these glasses

Hello Steve :slight_smile: a warm welcome to the forum - I hope you enjoy it here!

Hello Steve, I endorse what Mollie said :smiley:
I’ve only been here a couple of months and everyone is friendly.

It has been moved now Carmen. I expected it to as well. :mrgreen: I did exactly the same thing when I first joined. :wink:

Trust me Mr Martian, it definitely is the best forum. Mollie promises! :lol:

Hello, welcome to OFF’ers… hope you like it here :slight_smile:

oh dear have i broken the rules already??

:shock:Rules? What rules? :lol:

Nooooooo…you’ve just said, you have to get used to those glasses. :wink: :lol:

No Steve, you were just testing us and keeping us on our toes ;-):lol:

Welcome to the forum Steve :slight_smile:

Hello Steve :slight_smile: welcome, I look forward to chatting with you .

Hello Steve
Welcome to this friendly forum.

well i agree …very friendly…

Hi Steve, welcome to the forum…hope you get used to your glasses :slight_smile:

Welcome Steve to a lovely friendly forum :smiley:

Hello and welcome Steve,
Persevere with your VF for about a week, if they are still not suiting you tell Specsavers because the will change them.

Hello Steve, a very warm welcome to you!.