Hi all

And it’s hello from me too.

I dont think we have any Martians … but you never know do you. Anyway welcome to Planet Earth.

Steve matey, belated greetings and welcome from me too.

Hello Steve hope you enjoy it here.

Thanks for all the replies …as you can see i put my pic up …it doesn’t do me justice …but it will have to do…

Hello Steve, nice to meet you -hope you enjoy the forum :slight_smile:

It seems like you have a good brain by your pic, Steve! :smiley: We could do with one of those on here! :lol:

Hello there and welcome …im new here also so we both have lots to explore;-)

And a very handsome fellow you are! :mrgreen::mrgreen:

Hi and welcome Steve it nice here.:slight_smile:

thanks …ive already found that …i been posting in the pets section and answered a few other as well