Help I can’t get to sleep

It’s one of those nights …I can’t get to sleep.
I’ve tried warm milk , reading , listened to a story… still no sleep.
Now I’ll never get any sleep with my iPad giving out blue light .

Have you any tried and tested tips on getting a good nights sleep :zzz:


sounds as if your mind is too active preventing you from sleeping. What I do is go onto the computer for half an hour and that should quieten/slow down your brain activity. It works for me

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I turn the radio on and start to listen to politics or the showbiz latest or business and financial news or sport.

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I tell myself, Bonus, I have some free hours to do what I want, watch a movie, look for a fun game, work on a project, clean something or just lay around, etc.

My brain will come up with an objection like, but you’ll be tired tomorrow or I’m too tired to do that. Then I start wondering about that. What can I do tomorrow if I’m tired? Why am I too tired?

Then I can decide what I want to do.

I also have a long list of sleep remedies I’ve gathered over the years. Those rarely work when I’m at the stage of frustration. But I might try one, depending on my mood.

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Can’t you put that away or at least switch off the blue light (possible with newer devices) for a start?

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Try watching an entire episode of Midsummer Murders.


lol you must really hate that show. You’ve posted about it more than once.

I went to look up Midsummer Murders and found that people (even in media articles) interchange that with Midsomer Murders. That’s weird because Midsomer is a place in the show. How does the spelling change?

Another tongue in cheek suggestion for the OP. Check out the boring thread.


No I don’t hate the show… I’m just being consistently boring, I even manage to send myself to sleep :wink:

Midsomer Murders it is :+1:


So, you are part of the after 10.00pm squad on here then. :grin:

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I’m the same Ripple some nights for me sleep is impossible…I just give in to it either read a book or come on here till my eyelids feel heavy…works for me.



I read somewhere ( I haven’t tried it )
That if you boil a banana for 10 minutes the water will be full of tryptamine - which aids sleep.

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First Lobsters, now Bananas, this could be the start of a slippery slope.

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I find audible books can be helpful.
I’m listening to Bram Stoker’s Dracula at the moment on Amazon.

Oddly enough I find it quite relaxing, the only downside is that when you doze off you miss some of the story and have to go back again…no big deal though.

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My iPad isn’t that old, 2yrs
I had to look up blue light … Blue light is the type of light emitted by most modern digital devices , including smartphones, tablets, computer screens, flat screen TVs, …
It’s not recommended to go online a hour or so before sleeping
As it can interfere with sleep.

It’s true has anyone ever seen the end of a midsomer murder :zzz:

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Thanks for all the replies :heart:

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Haha. You all are missing the best part. I love the end of the Midsomer Murders when the mystery comes together. Sometimes it weaves together nicely like an Agatha Christie novel. Admittedly, I can’t watch a whole episode in one sitting. It does move quite slowly in the beginning.

Happy sleeping :zzz: for everyone who uses it as a sleep aid.


It’s awful not being able to sleep. I had this a few months back and it lasted for about a week, what helped me was dramatically reducing my screen times and getting plenty of exercise.

I hope you get a good nights sleep soon.


The most I get in one go, is from midnight to 5am and that includes getting into bed. If for some reason being awake for 19 active house does not send me off quickly, then I pick up a book with the bedside radio quietly tuned to World Service and that combination usually has me asleep within 40 - 45mins. I still awake at 5am to start my day :+1:


I take half a Nytol , works for me …