Hello everyone!

So here I am after 2 days of thinking shall I, or shall I not join. It look’s as if there’s a lot to write about… and of course a whole lot of nice people to meet (visually)

So I’ll just look around and try to find how things work!!

Que Sera

Hello :smiley: a very warm welcome to you, I’m pleased you took the plunge and decided to join us! :smiley:

I hope you’ll enjoy the forum, if you need any help finding your way around, just give a shout and someone will be here to help you.

Hello QS :slight_smile: welcome, I look forward to chatting with you…

Thanks alot Mag, nice to meet you too.

Hello :039: welcome to a very friendly forum.

Hi Meg, me too…

Hello, hope you like it here :))

Hi Janela,thanks hope we can chat sometime.

Hi Cassie, nice to meet you, youre coming from Birmingham… I’m coming from Worcester.

Hallo und Willkommen zu diesem reizenden Forum. Hoffnung genießen Sie Ihren Aufenthalt hier. :smiley:

Or, how do lass. Nice to meet you. :slight_smile:

Hi Mollie, Dankeschön ich hab’s nicht bemerkt sofort das du Deutsch geschrieben hast… es ist immer etwas schwierig von ein Sprache zu andere zu springen, aber wie die Leute sagen “übung macht Meister”


I used to live in Germany many years ago so my German isn’t up to scratch these days. :smiley:

Hope you enjoy the forum. :slight_smile:

Mollie, I also have problems sometimes with the English language, everything is back to front in Germany.
Which part of Germany did you live ?

Two years in Soest, Westfalia, near the Mohnesee Dam, and two years in Charlottenburg, Berlin. :slight_smile:

A very warm welcome Que Sera, I’m glad you decided to join us…have fun…:slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum,hope you enjoy.

Hi Que Sera ~ I hope that you enjoy this site as much as I do! Take care, and Welcome! SJ :039::smiley:

Hello Plantman, thankyou for the warm welcome and nice to meet you.

Hello anniemuldoon, nice to meet you

Hi Siver Jill, nice to meet you too.