Hello everyone!

I lived in Berlin too, this is going back a few years though, nice city if you like high life.:slight_smile:

Good morning QS darlin’ and welcome from me too. Spent 24 hours in the Mini Hoffbrauhaus just off Kerfustendam (sp???) in Berlin many years ago - got VERY drunk!!!

HI Uncle Joe, nice to meet you visually, Oh dear! 24 hrs ? thats a bit long isn’t it. Berlin is a beautiful city I lived there for about 4 yrs. :slight_smile:

Apparently at the time, they never closed all the time there were customers in the bar - hence the length of time there. I’m NOT a beer man, so lager passed me by - but was knocking back Schnapps - fire water but wonderful stuff!!!

Hi Que Sera have just replied to your post - sorry didn’t realise you were a new member till after I had posted. Welcome. x

Hi Kath, nice to meet you… visually of course :slight_smile: