Health update on Nom

Same question as Tess, Nom.
What on earth have you done to yourself, how have you hurt your back?

Come and have some cuddles with us, we’ll look after you. :058:

Wishing you well again soon Nom xxx

Nom, shouldn’t you ask the doctor if you can chat to us on here?

I was just thinking that if you are flat on your back & in agony…perhaps making you laugh isn’t a good idea!:surprised:


You should show Daz, Tess’s post from a long time ago, where she gave details of how she managed to get her leggings ( or was it tights:confused:) off in her bedroom.
That still makes me laugh. :mrgreen:

Nom, haven’t seen you since Monday.
How’s it going?
Hope you are in a little less pain now. :hug:

Popping in to say ‘Hello’ too… :slight_smile:

We’ll have to pay him a visit I think Mags.

If he thinks we are on our way, he will be out that bed and up that corridor before we can blink. :lol:

Seriously Nom, hope you’re ok.

No Mups, he would love all the fuss from us Wimmen! :lol:

We’re off to Newcastle in the morning Mags.

We’ve got presents for Nom, and something for Daz too, for his help.

Talking of ‘Updates’, I’m getting a bit fidgety because we haven’t heard for a little while, have we.

I hope Nom’s pain is easing :frowning:

Bless Nom he is in my prayers.

Nom, I hope your pain is easing too.

Your football team are playing tomorrow but l don’t suppose you can watch them? It’s a shame we can’t get the team into visit you! :lol:

How are your rivals, the ‘ Mackems’ doing? :lol:

Yes, that’s what I have been thinking too, Mags. :frowning:

I will check with Matron again in the morning to see if it is still alright to pop in.
I have told her we will be on our best behaviour, and Tess is knitting him a surprise. :slight_smile:

Just discovered this thread and wondered where Nom had gone.He’s missed in the Music dept.Get well soon.

I’ve nearly finished painting of Nom’s seagull, my beach themed lounge is getting there slowly, when he’s up to it I’ll give him a virtual tour! Lots of birds in it!

I hope You’re feeling a bit better Nom and are able to sit up without too much pain…Everyone’s missing Your banter :wink:

Yes May, we all miss him. x

We do! I hope Santa brings him a clean bill of health!

Hi, Nom! So sorry that I am just now finding this thread, but relieved to know you are on the mend. I hope by now the pain is on the decrease while the flirting is on the increase! :smiley:

Has anybody heard from Nom?

I know we can’t talk about members on here, but Nom was in a lot of pain at the beginning of this month & had to get a friend to post for him.
He hasn’t posted since 3rd Dec and I think it would be nice to let him know that we are all thinking of him… but I am not sure he will be able to see this post.:confused:

I just hope that somebody may be able to let us know how he is doing… I am sure a “He’s ok” wouldn’t break any rules.:slight_smile:

Was thinking the same thing Twink….Hope You’re ok Nom…We miss You,x