Health update on Nom

Haste Ye back Nom…We’re all rooting for You,and thanks Daz for the update…I hope You both have a peaceful Christmas.xx

Sorry to hear you weren’t the best Nom, I’ve just seen this, I don’t look in this section too often nowadays.
I was wondering what happened to you seeing you weren’t around. You’re a good fighter and you’ll come out tops again, I hope the new year is a lot kinder to you than the old one was, best of luck to you old mate.:wink:

In case you are looking in Nom…

Best wishes to you for a happier and healthier 2019.

Get well soon, we are missing you. hugs

A Happy New Year to your good friend Daz too :slight_smile:

Yes, and a Happy New Year from me too

Thanks everyone will pass on all your kind messages to Nom tomorrow. Happy New Year to you all.

Hello Daz.

How is he doing? Is he still in hospital?

What are you up to tonight?
I hope 2019 is kind to you. :slight_smile:

Hi Mups yes he’s still in hospital I will ask him for his official New Years speech and post update soon as I can. Last thing he said to me was thell them “Hands off my man cave”…

Hmm, well that’s a good sign if he’s still resisting all the ladies then Daz.
Trouble with that man is he doesn’t know what’s good for him. :lol:

Please give him our love when you are able to see him, and tell him not to be a pain to those nurses.

Take care Daz. :039:

P.S. Would he be able to use his laptop if you took it in - just a thought.

Oh dear, I’ve only just seen this thread… I had no idea Nom was so poorly. :frowning:

Please do give him my best wishes Daz and a quick hug… (well you know man-to-man hugs could be a bit iffy for some :-D),

If you aren’t fussed about hugging a bloke… please give him a big one from me. :hug:

Get well soon Nom and all good wishes to you and to Daz for 2019.

Any news? We’re all waiting patiently for Nom’s New Year speech and news of his progress.

Hi again everyone Nom passes on his thanks for all the nice Xmas messages. He is still in hospital and will be for the next few weeks. Hopefully he gets out soon as he’s getting tired of staring at the ceiling…

Thank you Daz!
I will quiz him on the number of ceiling tiles and faces he made out of stains on the ceiling when he gets back.
Best wishes to you both!

Poor Nom, he is badly missed.
Thanks for the update Daz.

Thanks for the update, Daz, please tell Nom we are missing him, his knowledge, and his incredible wildlife photos!

Here’s another one who misses you Nomkins . .

Thankyou for telling us Daz.

We are all missing you Nom and wishing you well. We need you back here as the ladies are getting out of control - I expect you can guess which ones :smiley:

More healing vibes on their way to you. :hug:

Thanks Daz, we really do appreciate your updates on our friend. :slight_smile:

Daz, you appear to be a good friend to Nom, so I would like to say thank you for keeping us up to date with his progress.

We all miss him & can’t wait for his return… so please tell him to listen to nursing staff… even if they are women.

[SIZE=“3”]Get well soon Nom!:-)[/SIZE]

I echo that. X

**Please note some posts have been moved to a new thread here…
Thank you.

Can this thread be locked now Meg?