Have you ever required an Ambulance?

I had a 60 km ride in one after my car crash.
Plus I had a ride in one when I had an Epileptic Seizure.
That one cost me $863.
I now have Ambulance Cover

Two trips. One for near kidney failure. The other for very high blood pressure. Both under the care of the NHS

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Back in 2004 after my first heart attack, I died in that one for a minute or two, they had to pull over and jump on my chest…Or at least it felt like it later.
Another two heart attacks and another two rides in an ambulance, however, the last heart attack was Ischaemic… :017:…Whatever that means…


i am nosey so had to google to see what Ischaemic is
Ischemia is a less-than-normal amount of blood flow to part of your body . This lack of blood flow means your tissues aren’t getting the oxygen they need. This can happen in various organs, like your heart and brain. Ischemia can lead to life-threatening conditions like heart attacks


Thanks Feey, I knew what it was really, but it’s better not knowing some things, it sounds quite serious doesn’t it…

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Even though as a pensioner I get free ambulance cover in NSW, I maintain ambulance cover just in case when I am interstate. Let’s face it is less than $50 a year, covers air ambulance etc and you get the Federal government rebate. Good value in my book.

Have used the ambulance once a couple of decades ago, I had ambulance cover then too.


I was carted off to an isolation hospital when I was about six or seven having contracted Scarlet Fever. Luckily I didn’t really know what was going on at the time, but I do remember the cocoa I was given at the hospital was revolting.

I’ve called ambulances for other people, and ridden in them with other people, but thankfully I have only been the patient once.


No have never been in an ambulance.

Not free in SA, Bruce (varies by state , some are free, some are free for some people)

we can get ambulance cover for either SA only or for nation wide. Bit dearer for nation wide but since I do travel interstate sometimes, I have that one.


Fortunately I’ve never needed an ambulance, it’s free here although, if reform get in, that may not be the case…


Yes. Twice for me. The first time was years ago when I refused to accept I had appendicitis so I Ieft it far too long and had to spend the next two weeks in hospital after it was removed. Then around eighteen months ago another week in hospital for “Bowel Rest” which meant loads of antibiotics but nil by mouth except water. Both meant blues and two’s and a hair raising trip in an ambulance.


I expect your emergency vehicles are like ours now and have both red and blue lights

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Yes 2 years ago, I slipped on black ice and smashed my right leg up. Didn’t just break it oh no I went and shattered it, I now have a 10inch metal bar thing inside my leg holding it all together. I found out at the hospital that I’d got brittle bone disease :cry: hence the shattering and not a clean break.
Am terrified of going outside in Winter now.




I don’t think I’d want your doctor building my kitchen cabinet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but it looks like it will last.


I was lucky it worked to be honest, you can see in the before xray that the bone was right away from the back of my knee. I felt quite sick n shaky when I saw those xrays I can tell you, the surgeon was good enough to let us take a photo of them at a check up appointment. It’s beggered up my balance though can’t walk the way I used to.


yes had several trips last one was when I fell out the loft , put on a spinal board and because of my Heart and Aneuysm it was alights and siren job all the way .

I got a lift last year when I destroyed my shoulder , wish I had gone by Ambulance the pain was unbearable when going over every bump in the roads could have got Morphine for that.


@Bretrick Summer 1995 when my house received a direct lightning strike and was mostly consumed by the resultant fire. I was rushed to A&E due to smoke inhalation and released the same day…


Yes I have


Just before Christmas I tripped over and fell flat on my face, taken off to ST Thomas Westminster where I was X rayed and had a Scan they stopped the nose bleed after 3 hours and sent me home.

That was on a Saturday.

Tues night at about 2am woke up coverered in blood call 999 for an Ambulance which got there in about 5 minutes. Off to hospital to stop the nose bleed which took all day and was discharged the next day.

All this cost me nothing thanks to the NHS


My stars, this is an intrepid and resilient lot! :astonished:

I’ve never been in an ambulance, but my mother’s last trip was a life flight after she fell. The billing cost to insurance? $50,000. Highway…rather skyway, robbery.