I read about ‘tree huggers’ but honestly, l have never seen anyone ever hugging a tree!
Have you ever hugged a tree, or seen someone with their arms around a tree?
I bet you haven’t!! So why do they say that, or maybe you can tell me otherwise… that you frequently hug a tree?
I think that “tree hugger” is meant to be a derogatory term but to be quite honest, I would far rather hug a tree than some of the people on this planet.
But no, I have not yet anyway hugged a tree.
I Love Trees and live surrounded by trees…I have not hugged a tree but will be found leaning against this one at some time during the day…The Tree was quite happy there and along came the overhead electric wires…So every year we shall get an order to cut it back…So far it’s still been able to grow till is branches are content …looks very sad after the compulsory chop chop…
The helicopter employed by the Electric Companies and paid for by us… comes over and around all the gardens, usually during August…
I’ve climbed a few and fell out of a few but can’t say I’ve ever fancied one. Having said that you have to give thanks for the hard work they put in making the planet habitable.