Yes, and I’ve also read that trees and the ground can be calming and healing just by touching them.
Yes physical touch is often taken for granted, but scientists are finding it plays a vital role in healing.
Yes they do. Everything on our earth has energy.
Scientific studies have been done on plants being played music too. The ones with soothing relaxing music grew very well. The ones with hateful obnoxious music grew away from the speakers and died.
They sure are.
As would I. Trees are much nicer.
There’s a tree huggers capital of Canada? Gotta love Canada.
I am in agreement with several of you that there is something - not sure what - that trees eminate. Is there anything on the planet that gives more than a tree? When it comes right down to it, along with dogs, trees are the best of the best of Mother Nature’s creations.
and Cats - of all sizes!
We have many old trees here and have lost too many in our Garden.
The Largish Olive Tree came down finally, two years ago now.
It was loosened by all the rain we had, had. We tied it out in three directions as best as we could, believed we had done enough.
…We firmed around the roots and laid some large rocks around it.
Sadly it was not enough to save it.
I haven’t personally, but my mother-in -law used to do it a lot…we had her put in a rest home in the end