Have You Ever Been Carsick?

I was carsick when I was a small child but not since. Not at all for airsickness. I did have airsickness one time. It was on an icebreaker for the Canadian navy. I was commissioning some electrical plant while the vessel was at the dockside but then they had to a test at sea overnight. I couldn’t carry on my work while they went to sea so the captain kindly invited me to out go with them. It was really rough but I put on a brave face when I went in to breakfast. It heartened me to note that half of the tables were vacant. I was not the only one that got seasick!

I learned later that mariners are quite often sick on the first trip of a voyage before they got their sea legs.

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Yes. Travel sickness… any form of transport, controls my life. Very disabling. If we do go anywhere it takes me a day to get over it. If we are travelling back again the same day… huuuhhghh :face_vomiting::face_vomiting:

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Have you tried travel sickness tablets? Kwell for example?

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Art :smiley: I was car sick a lot as a child always when sitting in the back.
Sitting in the back and looking out of the side window is a trigger for some, better to sit in the front and look straight ahead…

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Oh yes. I have tried everything. Tablets. Wrist bands. Ginger. Sitting on Newspaper. Eyes closed. Listening to music. Listening to white noise. Acupuncture. Hypnosis. Chinese herbal remedy…

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That’s awful…:frowning:
Could your doctor offer any prescription medication?

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Weed works.

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Wouldn’t that make you feel worse? :thinking: The smell of it is nauseating enough…!


Yes, been there, done that. Its the same old story… Doctor doesn’t understand how you feel so has little sympathy. You’re not really ill, are you, as you walk, shame faced through the waiting room full of “really ill” people. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Oh User_One, l do feel sorry for you. You’d think the doctors would be more sympathetic.
Luckily, l was only sick going, not coming back.

Although, l felt better after being sick, it still shakes you up.
The worst thing was, it happened on the M6 where you couldn’t stop. l then had to travel with a Tesco bag of bacon, egg, toast and tea sick until we reached Rochdale.
It was then deposited in a street waste bin!

One of the best places for it.

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Ha! I knew that was coming when l mentioned Rochdale!!

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I’ve tried all of those too! Except siting on newspaper. Didn’t know about that one. None of them worked for me either. I just looked up motion sickness on WebMD. It says that motion sickness happens because our senses don’t match with what is supposed to be going on. In a plane, we feel motion but we’re not moving physically in the plane.

Haven’t gotten it in a while, so not sure how I would cure it now.

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Eat ginger marmalade sandwiches before embarking. The taste just as good coming up as going down.

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What a nauseating thought .

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That made me smile. I’ll think of that next time I’m heaving.

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Who was supplying an 18 month old with cigarettes? :icon_wink:

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Funny this !! If I am using the car for local journeys, I am absolutely fine in my body and mind. But if I am going to use the car for a longer journey (holiday or visit relatives 50 miles away), I get a quite bad queasy sick feeling in my stomach. Really hard to understand.

[quote=“David_P, post:58, topic:91614”]

Some relatives can have that effect! :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat:

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