Have You Ever Been Carsick?

What are you on about, man? :grinning:

Do you mean because I said the driver with HIS arm out the window?
If so, I have never seen a woman doing that.

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I thought Spitty was talking about ā€˜Haresā€™, as some people pronounce it as ā€˜Hersā€™

Dunno, Art. image

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Depends if you understand Spittyspeak :slight_smile:


I never used to feel ā€˜carsickā€ until I started driving - after I started driving my own car, I found it much more nauseating to be a passenger on twisting, winding roads - which are pretty much the only roads we have around my home.
I can just about manage in the passenger seat but I find it difficult to be in the back seat.

I can cope in all sorts of weather on most boats without feeling sick but I do remember once feeling a bit queasy in a hovercraft in stormy weather on a trip back from a boozy weekend in France - it took a greasy eggā€™nā€™spoon breakfast when we landed in Portsmouth to bring the colour back into my cheeks!

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I am a bad sailor I am ok on powerboats - while they are going - but sailboats barring catamarans are a no no .
Any boat at anchor that starts to roll with the swell brings instant nausea.
On a cross channel ferry I saw a poor woman lying on the floor in the passage and I knew exactly how she felt you literally feel like dying and donā€™t care where you are .

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Does anyone?


It often is - and I love it that way!!

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I have never been travel sick ever, have no idea what it is like, even in a storm in the Great Australian Bight I was one of the few who turned up regularly for meals - I mean ā€œfewā€ because the stewards asked if we would all sit together because no table had more than one diner at each sitting.

My youngest son used to get car sick and still suffers from seasickness at the start of a voyage.

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I have to keep my eyes on the horizon otherwise I get car sick. Its not a nice feeling Iā€™m ok if Iā€™m driving though I never get sick thenā€¦weird isnā€™t it .

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Many many years ago when dad had a Austin 7 , stink of petrol that done it.

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Not since the early 80s when I stopped drinking and driving and, the subsequent hangover on the way to the 6am-2pm shift. :pill:

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I wasa good traveller as a kid and never got carsick. However, if other kids were in the car and they got carsick, my goodness, I joined in. I have never been able to eat Wotsits since. :frowning_face:

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When I was about nine or ten my aunts took me to Bournemouth on a coach holiday, I was given some travel tables to make the nausea go away, it didnā€™t, it made it worse, until I passed out and slept for most of the way, I think that is what they were designed to doā€¦

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No, but I think I can explain the diesel reference. Most diesel engine cars run at a lower revolution rate than the equivalent petrol engine and therefore the vibration frequency will be lower too and that could be the ā€˜sickā€™ factor.

I have never been car or sea sick,but the smell of tobacco turns my stomach no end.
My eldest son is allergic to tobacco,i found that out when he was around 18 months old,smoking was banned in the house from that day on.

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That is exactly what my OH says about the vibration levels.

I am fine in petrol cars as long as not in the middle back seat, but a diesel not a chance front or back. Not got a problem on a coaches/buses/planes/trains/boats/ships at all in fact a good traveller as long as not backwards.LOL

The penny (has to be an old style one) is the solution my sister and niece use; it does not work; but my sister says - ā€œWhat would I be like without Nanā€™s pennyā€. My eldest niece uses a penny my Mom and she ALSO says ā€œwhat would I be like without Nanā€™s pennyā€ Although both travel well when driving.


Snap and I do think its to do with diesel cars,


Iā€™ve never been car or air sick. I was once seasick - on the Liverpool to Belfast ferry during a raging storm in the Irish Sea (almost all the passengers were that night).

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Air-sickness is also something horrid. Especially as the stench of vomit permeates the cabin if a few passengers are ā€œcalling Hewie and Bertā€. Iā€™m thinking about older aircraft such as Vickers Viscounts and Dakotas rather than modern things with better air-con.

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