I cried when he died…seems like yesterday…he certainly lived life though you have to smile thinking about him
“Rod the Mod” … they called him.
Thanks for all the lovely replies on this thread, you all made it quite a success…bringing back lots of memories for all of us…keep on posting!
Blue :grouphug::grouphug:
Oh WOW, Blue…these videos are awesome! I remember during the 70’s, Al and I were right into Country & Western and just couldn’t get enough of it…
One of the big concerts that we went to during that time was The Tex Ritter Show at The O’keefe Centre, Toronto. It was amazing. That night Loreta Lynne was at The Horseshoe Tavern and came over to The O’keefe and performed with the folks at our show…
I can still recall Tex’s tour bus parked at the side of the venue…and it was something else…
Isn’t it amazing Blue…how our lives crossed in so many ways eons before we actually met? Conway was a huge star…when I was at Quality Records in 1958/59 with “It’s Only Make Believe.” Yet when he’d pop in from time to time…he was as down to earth as anyone could be.
I’m not positive Blue…but I think Frank Sinatra was huge in Vegas during the 40’s, 50’s & 60’s… I hate to say I’ve never been to Las Vegas…
I know Filly, I have thought about it many times. Even you lived near me when I lived at a place in Toronto, Can’t remember the name but you lived right up the street and I lived near the park when I first got married…oh what is that name…“something” Pitts…
Was it Christie Pitts? I can’t remember…
And I see you have been at the Horshoe Tavern. What a great place with lots of big country artists. I was there LOTS, probably sat near you, I was always up near the band…
And Maple Leaf Gardens, yes many times also…
We sure did have a connection, long before we met on an internet forum…and remember I told you when I saw your Wedding Photo that you looked exactly like my sister who died?
Edited to add The O’Keefe Centre…aren’t we fortunate to live so close to Toronto where all these big stars come. It is only 1/2 hr train ride into town for me. Guess for you it is a bit longer, but not much.
Yes Frank Sinatra had big time, mob connections and the Flamingo Casino was mob owned. I stayed there on one trip, it was wonderful…
We better put that on our Bucket List…you have to experience this just once, it will be the biggest “high” you ever had…:hug:
The Strip is alway lit up, you can’t tell if it is night or day around there…
Good morning Blue…I have been reading and rereading this thread trying to find where you said that you’d seen Stompin’ Tom at The Horseshoe Tavern but I cannot find that post…unless, of course I dreamed it…
Any-whoooo, I just wanted to tell you…he is and always will be a favourite of mine. His special sound and the way he presented himself…will live on forever. He put so many of the little towns and big cities in Canada front and foremost with his unique brand of music…
I always wanted to see Stompin’ Tom Connors…but time ran out for him, at such an early age, that I never did…
Lucky you…
Oh so you met Conway also? I didn’t remember you telling me that. AWESOME. He was a little short A** but he doesn’t look that short when he is on stage…I think he was so handsome, I loved his singing…but I always hated what he did at the end of most of his songs, by putting his hand up and swirling it around. I don’t know how to describe it…
Filly I saw him at The Horshoe Tavern in Toronto, as well as Hamilton…don’t remember if it was Hamiton Place or the other big place that they bring entertainers. I think it would have been Hamilton place, and I lived there at the time…
Hi ya Blue…as you know I’ve never even been to a casino in Ontario…hahaha So, I’ll just jot it down on my Bucket List… Can you just imagine Blue & Filly alone is Las Vegas…I can and the thought is scary…let’s do it!
I just adore him…and oft’ times I’ll just sit here and watch his videos on my computer… I am so happy that you had the chance to see him…he was awesome!
We may not make it to Vegas in this stage of our lives, but don’t forget Niagara Falls is just 3/4 hr drive from me, and there is nothing stopping us from going there so you can have the experience, I have been there lots of times, as well as a lot of other casinos in Ontario.
Wish they had one in Toronto so we could take the Go-Train…
But these places, you just gamble, not like the “shows” in Vegas. I would have loved to see Cher in all her costumes…
Beautiful woman, gorgeous and what a body she had…
If I had made it to the shows instead of have my brain glued to the slots, this is the gal I would have liked to see, with all her glory…and I guess Sony died…they were a “couple made in Heaven”
Hi Blue…I forgot the casino in Niagara Falls…that sure is a lot closer than Vegas… There are a few north of me also but again no Go Train…
A…just loves Cher and has seen her many times…
I have been to a James Last concert, a Frankie Laine concert, a Gene Pitney concert,[anyone out there from Tulsa?] Black and white minstrels concert, a Norman Wisdom show and, I have appeared in a Lonnie Donegan show, a Dickie Valentine show and a few others. Frankie Laine was the best concert.
Michael Jackson .
What a great performer .
Also Tina Turner and Elton John .
Oh wow, peripheral…Frankie Laine in concert…lucky you…I should imagine it was wonderful.
During the 40’s and 50’s…there were minstrel shows in the summer months…at the Lake Simcoe Beaches, where our family cottage was, they were amazing concerts…
Hi ya Muddy…I would so loved, to have seen Tina Turner in concert…she is an awesome entertainer.
Going back to the original post “Have You Ever Been to a Big Concert?”
I suppose it’s all down to what is meant by a “Big” concert?
The “Biggest” concert I’ve ever been to was in Bologna when Depeche Mode appeared there last year. That was was one of the best concerts I’ve ever seen or been to for several reasons. One reason was that over 40,000 fans were singing in perfect English to songs even I didn’t know the words to! Another reason is that the culture, food and wine of Italy is superb and the weather is okay too lol.
Off topic slightly, the following are perhaps some of the best performers that I’ve seen, even though they may not have been playing at the biggest venues? The following is my personal list:
Emerson, Lake & Palmer
Led Zeppelin
Roxy Music
Gary Numan
To name a few…
We’re off to see Gary Numan in Manchester this Saturday with the Skaparis Orchestra.