Have we been visited by Aliens?

Ah, but they did have a whip round for the Master’s birthday :wink::point_right::+1::grin:


:astonished: Crikey, they must have had a few blisters sawing through 4.5 million tons of stone with one of those. :astonished:


Even in the early days there were always some bright sparks about eg: Euclid and Pythagoras


This reminds me of that 60’s thing when Von Daniken said the Nazca lines had been drawn by astronauts.That’s was wrong too of course but it did help sell his book


Actually this is a bit of a furphy, they were clever enough to taper the stones very slightly so that only the very edge fits very precisely a much easier task, behind that edge they just place fill to keep the face of the stone at the right angle. It wasn’t that difficult.

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Of course they do, they would just use more modern building techniques and take a lot less than 30 years to build it.

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