Clear as mud…
Thats why i posted the english version it can be read easily
But still nothing clear about aliens.
I believe we have been visited for various reasons. The pyramids and other seemingly impossible buildings, religious writings and the missing link between humans and animals to name but a few.
The chances of aliens finding or visiting us even if the universe was teeming with life is pretty remote.
Just look at the distances involved. If Voyager was travelling in the right direction it would take it 73,000 years just to reach the nearest star. (about 4 light years away from memory). 50,000 years ago Homo Sapiens were just starting to move out of Africa
Or looking at it from a planetary perspective there are less than 30 stars with some kind of planetary system within 100 light years of us (ie the time since we invented radio) who thus have the opportunity to know that we exist.
I think the reality is that we are alone.
Absolutely Bruce. And the life people expect, certainly would not be life as we know it (Jim)
If they were that intelligent they would avoid the place.
It was the Egyptians who built the pyramids
Who is responsible for the Pyramid Schemes?
I wonder why such a vast Galactic Command only interrupted Cliff Michelmore in Suffolk? I bet if they’d looked out the window they would haves been a furtive looking bloke with a pram, a tape recorder, a small transmitter and a couple of car batteries.
How do you think community radio in the UK started?
Um…the Egyptians of course.
The Egyptians don’t have the ability to build the pyramids today. How do you suppose they did it 4000 years ago?
All facilitated by an unlimited supply of slave labour and rammed earth slopes … not forgetting good sturdy ropes and log rollers.
Why do we assume that we are more intelligent than previous humans? Could it be that we have been here before and realised where all the progress would take us?
The human race is the most adaptable and innovative species on the planet…
How did they cut the stones so precisely that they fit together so tightly that there’s no need for mortar. The stones have no chisel or saw marks to suggest they were cut with conventional tools.
Where did this ability come from I wonder?
They used about 4,000 humans on the projects.
And there were no trade unions in those days…
They were cut with a saw but not as we would recognise it. The cutting medium was sand & water poured into the cutting slot from above as the copper blade did the work. A small-scale reconstruction is shown below without any saw tooth marks as the copper does not need teeth. Remember, this was in granite and not sandstone which is much softer.