Another recruit here - I’ve just ordered the 300g bag, same as @Chilliboot has - arriving Thursday. I shall report back, but it may not be for a few days as I’m going to be staying at my son’s house for a week from tomorrow, dog-sitting.
Mine have just arrived early.
I’ll keep you all posted, best not get too excited, it’s going to be another uncomfortable humid night.
The Universe is insisting you get your washing done asap!
Really?.. well I’m afraid the universe is going to have to wait until tomorrow morning.
I’m a mere mortal and an early riser, nothing infinite about me alas
I can’t wait for your opinion…I did a load this morning, and was delighted with the results.
(Trying so hard not to sound like an advert now! )
Yes ive started using Ecover washing gel it’s does the job
Also Ecover fragrance free fabric conditioner …brilliant.
I dislike strong perfume added to most laundry products.
I’m pleased to hear that you like the products …
So do I that’s why I like weather permitting hang my clothes out to dry it also disperses the smell .
Oh, this reminds me of my neighbour across the way…she is a laundry fiend and hangs out 1 or 2 loads a day. The smell wafts over several gardens - and while not unpleasant at all, it just makes me wonder what on earth she uses as detergent!
Some people are obsessive ( unless she has a family of coal miners) unlikely .
We don’t need to wash stuff so much or for so long .
I know people who wash everything that falls on the floor and they are an untidy lot so wash things that aren’t really dirty .
Not particularly mucky, no…both her & hubby work in “clean” jobs and they have one child, so who knows the reason? I do wonder how she manages in winter time though - I doubt she’ll be running a tumble drier every day!
I no longer hang my washing out to dry, I envy you.
Perfumes in laundry products would fill my home with unpleasant heavy fragrance .
There’s a covenant on my property no washing line.
Maybe that’s wise as I’m right on the coast !
The embarrassment of searching for my knickers on the beach could be too much for the average oldie.
Hold on to your hats folks, here goes!
Well, the soapnuts arrived yesterday in a recyclable drawstring cloth bag, the instructions are printed on the back. There is a small fabric pouch included to contain the nuts during the wash.
Five nuts are recommended for those living in hard water areas. I live in a very hard water area because of the underlying chalk in Sussex so I made it six. I have a selection of themed t shirts, they have images and transfers on the front which means I treat them with considerably more respect than the 2.99 Primark jobs, I’d be loathe to shrink my Goonies!
So, it was a thirty degree quick wash.
I was pleasantly surprised with the result,the laundry is nice and clean, fresh yet no discernable odour, certainly no chemical pong of ylang ylang and coconut. Next time I’ll add a few drops of essential oil by way of an experiment.
I do hope the universe is going to lob a few brownie points in my direction PixieKnuckles
Such a good update (and result!) May the Universe bestow you with many many karma points for your good work in eco-friendly things
Someone gave me a little hessian gift bag of soap nuts but I haven’t used them yet. Will do now though.
Thats good , I hope you like them (or they work for you)
I did my first two washloads with soapnuts yesterday! I was impressed, they got my lightly soiled clothes lovely and clean. I added some essential oil to the white vinegar in the fabric conditioner dispenser, so they came out smelling lovely too.
The only gripe I have is that on the second wash, the little zip bag came undone by about an inch, so bits of soap nut escaped into the wash. As it happened, I was only pre-washing two lengths of cotton fabric, nothing that the bits could cling to, but still…
However, despite that little glitch, I think I can safely say I’m a convert!
Welcome to the cult