Has anyone tried Soapnuts?

Another recruit here - I’ve just ordered the 300g bag, same as @Chilliboot has - arriving Thursday. I shall report back, but it may not be for a few days as I’m going to be staying at my son’s house for a week from tomorrow, dog-sitting.


Great new Sheba! Hope you enjoy using them :smiley:

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Mine have just arrived early.
I’ll keep you all posted, best not get too excited, it’s going to be another uncomfortable humid night.

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The Universe is insisting you get your washing done asap! :joy:

Really?.. well I’m afraid the universe is going to have to wait until tomorrow morning.
I’m a mere mortal and an early riser, nothing infinite about me alas :slight_smile:

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I can’t wait for your opinion…I did a load this morning, and was delighted with the results. :smiley:

(Trying so hard not to sound like an advert now! :joy: )

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Yes ive started using Ecover washing gel it’s does the job
Also Ecover fragrance free fabric conditioner …brilliant.

I dislike strong perfume added to most laundry products.

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I’m pleased to hear that you like the products … :slightly_smiling_face:

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So do I that’s why I like weather permitting hang my clothes out to dry it also disperses the smell .

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Oh, this reminds me of my neighbour across the way…she is a laundry fiend and hangs out 1 or 2 loads a day. The smell wafts over several gardens - and while not unpleasant at all, it just makes me wonder what on earth she uses as detergent!

Some people are obsessive ( unless she has a family of coal miners) unlikely .
We don’t need to wash stuff so much or for so long .
I know people who wash everything that falls on the floor and they are an untidy lot so wash things that aren’t really dirty .

Not particularly mucky, no…both her & hubby work in “clean” jobs and they have one child, so who knows the reason? I do wonder how she manages in winter time though - I doubt she’ll be running a tumble drier every day!

I no longer hang my washing out to dry, I envy you.
Perfumes in laundry products would fill my home with unpleasant heavy fragrance .
There’s a covenant on my property no washing line.
Maybe that’s wise as I’m right on the coast !
The embarrassment of searching for my knickers on the beach could be too much for the average oldie.

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Hold on to your hats folks, here goes!

Well, the soapnuts arrived yesterday in a recyclable drawstring cloth bag, the instructions are printed on the back. There is a small fabric pouch included to contain the nuts during the wash.

Five nuts are recommended for those living in hard water areas. I live in a very hard water area because of the underlying chalk in Sussex so I made it six. I have a selection of themed t shirts, they have images and transfers on the front which means I treat them with considerably more respect than the 2.99 Primark jobs, I’d be loathe to shrink my Goonies!

So, it was a thirty degree quick wash.
I was pleasantly surprised with the result,the laundry is nice and clean, fresh yet no discernable odour, certainly no chemical pong of ylang ylang and coconut. Next time I’ll add a few drops of essential oil by way of an experiment.

I do hope the universe is going to lob a few brownie points in my direction PixieKnuckles :wink:


Such a good update (and result!) May the Universe bestow you with many many karma points for your good work in eco-friendly things :joy:

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Someone gave me a little hessian gift bag of soap nuts but I haven’t used them yet. Will do now though.


Thats good , I hope you like them (or they work for you) :+1:

I did my first two washloads with soapnuts yesterday! I was impressed, they got my lightly soiled clothes lovely and clean. I added some essential oil to the white vinegar in the fabric conditioner dispenser, so they came out smelling lovely too.

The only gripe I have is that on the second wash, the little zip bag came undone by about an inch, so bits of soap nut escaped into the wash. As it happened, I was only pre-washing two lengths of cotton fabric, nothing that the bits could cling to, but still…

However, despite that little glitch, I think I can safely say I’m a convert!


Welcome to the cult :slight_smile:


Here’s a blast from the past. I wanted to get an an early wash on today and then remembered that I’d run out of detergent, then I remembered that I had some soap nuts stashed away which in turn caused me to remember this topic, the day is saved! :+1:

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