Hold on to your hats folks, here goes!
Well, the soapnuts arrived yesterday in a recyclable drawstring cloth bag, the instructions are printed on the back. There is a small fabric pouch included to contain the nuts during the wash.
Five nuts are recommended for those living in hard water areas. I live in a very hard water area because of the underlying chalk in Sussex so I made it six. I have a selection of themed t shirts, they have images and transfers on the front which means I treat them with considerably more respect than the 2.99 Primark jobs, I’d be loathe to shrink my Goonies!
So, it was a thirty degree quick wash.
I was pleasantly surprised with the result,the laundry is nice and clean, fresh yet no discernable odour, certainly no chemical pong of ylang ylang and coconut. Next time I’ll add a few drops of essential oil by way of an experiment.
I do hope the universe is going to lob a few brownie points in my direction PixieKnuckles
Such a good update (and result!) May the Universe bestow you with many many karma points for your good work in eco-friendly things
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Someone gave me a little hessian gift bag of soap nuts but I haven’t used them yet. Will do now though.
Thats good , I hope you like them (or they work for you)
I did my first two washloads with soapnuts yesterday! I was impressed, they got my lightly soiled clothes lovely and clean. I added some essential oil to the white vinegar in the fabric conditioner dispenser, so they came out smelling lovely too.
The only gripe I have is that on the second wash, the little zip bag came undone by about an inch, so bits of soap nut escaped into the wash. As it happened, I was only pre-washing two lengths of cotton fabric, nothing that the bits could cling to, but still…
However, despite that little glitch, I think I can safely say I’m a convert!
Here’s a blast from the past. I wanted to get an an early wash on today and then remembered that I’d run out of detergent, then I remembered that I had some soap nuts stashed away which in turn caused me to remember this topic, the day is saved!
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I see they have lasted you a while then…!!
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'cause he cannot decide whether to eat them or wash with them…
I suppose it can be confusing…soap = wash, nuts = eat. So he just chucked them in a cupboard until they took on a life of their own!
between you and I he is nuts…
taking to myself again but obviously directed at Trickie Nuts…new adventures now… new name lol
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Hallo Pixie… seriously good to see you back!!!
I’ll even forgive you for suggesting that I might have been stingy with my soap nuts:wink:
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Aww thank you! I’d never say such a thing…you are obviously part of the “saving the best until last” brigade
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Ladies really… it’s rude to discuss a gentleman’s nuts when he’s not present, a little decorum please!
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Hey, could be worse…we could be assuming they are less than fresh!
Many a true word spoken in jest!
Listen my friend, you are the one who have kept them in a cupboard for a year and a half, so…no jokes here!
as a well respected alien in the community I Have no comments on balls or related issues that refer to balls…my mind is fixed…the ball was in…mac end row