Okay, get fell in for the next set of connections.
[B][SIZE=4]- - - - - -
- -[/SIZE]
Letters Used.
- -[/SIZE]
Not Used:
Okay, get fell in for the next set of connections.
[B][SIZE=4]- - - - - -
Not Used:
A please Judd
Okay, get fell in for the next set of connections.
[B][SIZE=4]- - - - - -
A - - - - - - - - - -
A - - -[/SIZE]
Letters Used. A,
Not Used:
Goodness me, a shiny new thread!! How exciting!!
An S please
Okay, get fell in for the next set of connections.
[B][SIZE=4]- - - - - -
A - - - - - S - - - -
A - - -[/SIZE]
Letters Used. A, S,
Not Used:
Off for me tea… back soon.
E please Mr. Judd.
Thanks goodness you’re here Gilly - I almost dozed off.
Okay, get fell in for the next set of connections.
[B][SIZE=4]- - - - - E
A - E - - - S - - - E
A - - -[/SIZE]
Letters Used. A, S, E,
Not Used:
N please
Okay, get fell in for the next set of connections.
[B][SIZE=4]- - N - - E
A - E - - - S - - - E
A - - -[/SIZE]
Letters Used. A, S, E, N
Not Used:
O please Judd
H please
Okay, get fell in for the next set of connections.
[B][SIZE=4]- - N - - E
A - E - - O S - O - E
A - - H[/SIZE]
Letters Used. A, S, E, N, O, H,
Not Used:
One down three to go!!
C please
None down for me.
D please Judd.
Okay, get fell in for the next set of connections.
[B][SIZE=4]- - N D - E
A - E - D O S C O - E
A - C H[/SIZE]
Letters Used. A, S, E, N, O, H, C, D,
Not Used:
L please
Okay, get fell in for the next set of connections.
[B][SIZE=4]- - N D L E
A L E - D O S C O - E
A - C H[/SIZE]
Letters Used. A, S, E, N, O, H, C, D,
Not Used:
T please (still only got one! :-()
Okay, get fell in for the next set of connections.
[B][SIZE=4]- - N D L E
A L E - D O S C O - E
Letters Used. A, S, E, N, O, H, C, D, T,
Not Used: