Hangman (Part 3)

Well I dunno…:017:

An I please

Okay, get fell in for the next set of connections. :slight_smile:

[B][SIZE=4]- I N D L E

  • I - E

  • A L E I D O S C O - E

  • A T C H[/SIZE]
    Letters Used. A, S, E, N, O, H, C, D, T, I,

Not Used:

One letter could clinch it. :slight_smile:


Still confused, but I will try a K please.

Me too, confused.
Always saw Kaleidoscope but can’t see the connection.
Obviously a world I’m unaware of!!
I’ve been through doors, locks, dog collars, eyes, in my search for enlightenment!! :mrgreen:

Okay, get fell in for the next set of connections. :slight_smile:

[B][SIZE=4]K I N D L E

  • I K E

K A L E I D O S C O - E

  • A T C H[/SIZE]
    Letters Used. A, S, E, N, O, H, C, D, T, I,

Not Used:

W perhaps?

Okay, get fell in for the next set of connections. :slight_smile:

[B][SIZE=4]K I N D L E

  • I K E

K A L E I D O S C O - E

Letters Used. A, S, E, N, O, H, C, D, T, I, W,

Not Used:

Here’s a clue for you. :slight_smile:

Swarm, flock, herd…

It’s collective nouns!!! :mrgreen:

A KINDLE of kittens

A BIKE of hornets

A KALEIDOSCOPE of butterflies

A WATCH of nightingales


That’s it Ruthio - well done. They’re all collective nouns (albeit the obscure ones).

Not just a game, it’s an education. :slight_smile: As someone once said, if you don’t learn something every day, that day is wasted.

Connect these please…


Well done Ruthio.

An A please.

Connect these please…

_ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _

_ _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _

_ A _ _ _ _ _ _

Letters used: A

T please Ruthio

Connect these please…

_ _ _ _ _ A T _ _

_ _ _ T A T _ _ _ _

_ A _ _ _ _ _ _

Letters used: A T


An E please Ruthio

Connect these please…

_ _ _ _ _ A T _ _

_ E _ T A T _ _ _ _

_ E _ _ _ _ _

_ A _ _ _ _ _ _

Letters used: A T E

An S please

Connect these please…

_ _ _ _ _ A T _ _

_ E _ T A T _ _ _ _

_ E _ _ _ _ _

_ A _ _ _ _ _ _

Letters used: A T E
Letters unused: S