
It depends on what you are offering…Bratti has made a private bid, and I know Mups is tempted to raid her Post Office Savings Book…it’s in your hands (or could be) now :wink:

Art magazines Mups…:smiley:

Sounds like a resume to me,:shock: but I like the fact that you can tame tigers. It shows potential. :081:

And it’s ok. I’ll just hang out in your shed and get in the way:mrgreen:


Well DUH!:lol:

I don’t think you wanted to be saved :mrgreen:

I never made a private bid. That was merely your wishful thinking and seeing that you have such a polygamous following I better pass. Besides which, I’m going to find myself in needless trouble and I’ll blame both of you for trying to corrupt me. :100:

We are very trying, that is the truth:lol:

We sure are but it was fun. :wink:

Watch out!!!
He is back for more:-D

We used spray in colours called Party Success Hair Colour, you get them from EBay, they are not expensive.
Yes my hair is still the same length as the photo was only taken last Halloween.

Thank you for your answers Roxy.
Very cool!

Beautiful Filly, Bratti, Ruthio, Mups, Leia, Roxy, :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

Good afternoon all you lovely “Hair Peeps”…so nice to see you all. I haven’t done my hair yet Bratti, something very important came up and I have been “otherwise occupied”…if you know what I mean…click click

Blue, it’s wonderful to see you here, you’ve been missed :smiley:

I missed you too, my beautiful friend, Leia…:hug:

Beautiful Filly will be here soon also, she is probably still on the bus. I expect she will be around tonight after she rests up.

Have you been having rumpy pumpy? :lol:

I have never heard of rumpy pumpy, remember, I live in Canada.:mrgreen:

You don’t do rumpy pumpy in Canada…one of the ‘ladies’ on here will put you in the picture;-)

Go to your shed Rehab…I don’t understand…
(unless you want to paint me a picture :mrgreen: )

A picture is worth a thousand words!

Behave…naughty girl

I could say it, but I won’t…keep you guessing…:mrgreen: