Hair removal

I just love this time of the year, on go my thick long socks or thick wooly tights and I can put away the razor until spring :mrgreen: Anyone else like that freedom and become a hairy mary like me :wink:

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No, because I still get hairs growing out of my chin, & face, which have to be removed with tweezers every other day. :lol: This getting old isn’t good.:frowning:
I don’t grow much hair anywhere else though.:slight_smile:

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Yep, Winter Plumage I call it :wink:

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Good morning ladies…I began noticing that the hair on my legs had stopped growing a couple of years ago and I was elated. However, it was a catch 22…because now I am plagued with awful chin whiskers… OMGosh…every 2 days or so…I am plucking them out with my tweezers…:confused:

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Just like me then.:lol:

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I dont shave my legs as I barely have any hairs on them at all…I dont have hairs growing that need to be plucked …yet!:shock:

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Yes Tiffany…and isn’t it a chore? I actually think I would prefer still having hairy legs…if the facial hair would disappear…:blush:

Aww, Tiff I remember reading that Celine Dion said that in winter she stops shaving as it keeps the warmth in.
As for me, I am blonde, very fair hair on my body, so I don’t really have a problem. I was told that as I get older they will vanish - who knows. x

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I don’t have unwanted hair any more either except on my chin. Yes I’d rather shave my legs than have hairs on my chin. Plus my eyesight is not as good as it was so I need a magnifying mirror to see them

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So would I as I never expose my legs to the air anyway, I wear jeans or trousers all the time.:slight_smile:

You think that, but I wasn’t dark haired & my hairy face gets several really dark hairs growing on it.:slight_smile:

I have to use a strong magnifer too, to see mine facial hairs.:blush:

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How can I remove facial hair permanently in one day?
Mix 2 tsp of barley powder with a little milk, add few drops of fresh lemon juice and make a paste. Apply it on your face, keep it on for 15 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. This is one of the best ways to remove or get rid of body hair in just 1 day.

Natural ways to get rid of facial hair
Turmeric: Besides being good for one’s complexion turmeric has antibacterial effects. …
For the mask. Make a fluid paste by soaking turmeric powder in water, apply to the facial area where you have excess hair and leave on for a few minutes. …
Gram flour. …
For the mask. …
Egg. …
For the mask.

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Will this work on legs Sweetie Pie? The hairs are growing through my tights now. :shock:

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Oh yes, noolsg…I’d make that trade off any day and not look back… Me too, re: the magnifying glass…and then it’s really scary. :shock: I think it’s awesome that we can talk about this subject…let alone, joke…:lol:

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Aysa…you are a lucky lady indeed. :slight_smile:

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Trust you.:lol:

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longtrogs if ya missus likes you in tights - stick with it - kinky is good at 60! why don’t you ask her to join us here - you’d make a great pair - of something?

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:shock:No! :cool:

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I’m so thankful I’ve never had facial hair I’m not a hairy person but I hate hairy legs summer or winter…so I stay smooth all year round.

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Maybe you aren’t old enough to get facial hair yet. Mine didn’t start appearing until I was in my late 50’s/60’s.:slight_smile:

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I had my legs and pits lasered many years ago. Best thing I ever did. Never had to shave since.

You can also have facial hair permanently removed either by laser or a electrolysis. I think they can do it as long as you don’t have it growing from a mole.

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