Good Morning - Wednesday 29th Sept

Good Morning everyone

Raining at the moment - due to clear up mid morning. Hard to believe we are almost at the end of September all ready!

Nothing definitely planned other than an Amazon delivery - the driver shortage doesn’t seem to apply to them - maybe different licenses?

Have a happy day


Absolutely different licenses, only a bog standard one needed to drive the vans.

Financial Advisor calling today, not absolutely sure why, it was arranged through a friend in regard to making a will.

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Could be a drone delivery?

It’s afternoon here but I’ll let that go.

Good afternoon Smiffy. Not sure if we are really into drone delivery in this neck of the woods - not seen any around. But - I haven’t seen any Unicorns or Dragons recently either - doesn’t mean they are not there!

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Overcast and wet, I’m not going out.

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It hasn’t eventuated here yet but the dog is still under table.I trust her judgement.

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I could use that as a threat.“Just because you haven’t seen me recently-doesn’t mean I’m not here.”

Husband creeping about at 6.00am, found him in the Wardrobe…he said sorry about that, just can’t find my green T Shirt…He has left now the Ambulance Car arrived before 7.00am so very quiet here now, even the Cats are quiet and have not shown signs of wanting to be fed…He feeds them after taking them for their morning walkies but that could not happen this morning.
Dark still and no idea of the weather as yet but it will do what it likes anyway.
We have still laughed a lot this morning as he decided to wear his new trainers and I bought those for him about 2 years ago…I said you now look like your going ski’ing…and so the laughs went on.
Good Morning all.


Good Morning everyone! Cold, dark, and wet outside, but still the birds are singing. No plans really for today apart from the usual chore’s. Have a lovely day everybody!

@DianneWoollie Dianne, hope all goes well with your husband today! :+1:

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Morning all, chance of showers here too they say, and quite a cool breeze out there at the mo…

No plans here other than picking some veg for lunch but I may risk a trip to the tip at some point.

Enjoy your day everyone :blush:

Good morning all.
It’s looking a bit wet & miserable here but I’m hoping it will brighten up.

I am supposed to be meeting a friend for a walk along the Cromford canal this morning followed by tea & toasted teacakes at the Mill Yard cafe’.

I was really looking forward to it as I haven’t been out in ages.
Hope the weather maker dries this rain up.

Have a good day all. :blush:

Good morning all, terrible weather last night, doesn’t look that great now.
Nothing planned for the day.
Have a nice day all.

But it doesn’t - does it?

um…no…I think.

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Good Morning All.

Brighter today, I may venture into the garden.

Morning all.

Fold up washing from yesterday
Coffee group meet up in the cafe this morning.
Dog walks (dodging the showers)
Change bed linen (if I have time, and feel like it)

Riveting, eh? :rofl: :rofl:

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Living the dream @Jazzi living the dream.:smiley::smiley:

Oh absolutely! How on Earth did I find time to work, lol?

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Good morning everyone :slightly_smiling_face: the sun is shining and it’s good to feel better. Somehow I picked up a bacterial infection and have been creeping about feeling too ill to bother with anything. The antibiotics must be working and I have managed to eat some porridge .

Not a lot planned just slowly catching up on some jobs.

Enjoy your day :slightly_smiling_face:.

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Good morning - The Sun is shining and the only dry day of the week is forecast. I’ll ne going to the allotment soon. If the weather does stay good, I’ll be meeting a friend at the pub at lunchtime for a pint and a bag of crisps.