Good Morning - Wednesday 29th Sept

Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: a lovely sunny and crisp autumnal morning, not a cloud in sight.

Going to the Garden Centre to get some pansies to make two hanging baskets for my daughter’s back garden.

Enjoy your day folks :slightly_smiling_face:

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I wish you well, Meg.

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@Jazzi thanks Jazzi :slightly_smiling_face: looking on the positive side I have lost 2lb in weight having felt too ill to eat.

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@Meg, that’s usually the way, isn’t it, then we all pile that weight back on when eating goes back to normal. Take care. X

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Just popped out for a minute and was surprised at the drop in temperature, it felt a bit chilly that’s for sure. Not much on as far as I know so it will hopefully be an uneventful day. Have a pleasant day all. :wink:

Next time put some clothes on before going out. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Damn :man_shrugging:t2: Why didn’t I think of that. I wondered why the neighbours pulled their curtains. :smiley: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Brrr !

Autumn is here and there is a real chill in the air now. The pine needles and leaves are dropping over the garden so I’ll attack them with the leaf blower later. Torrential rain yesterday but thankfully its stopped now and the sun has come out. It’s still cold though.

New consumer unit going in today so we will be without electricity for a couple of hours while it’s being fitted, but its needed as the house isn’t safe without the new kit installed.

The old man next door died yesterday - only met him once but he was very frail and thin when I saw him. His wife is lovely, she came round and had a long chat with Mrs Bread when we first moved in a few weeks ago.

Have a happy Wednesday !

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Morning everyone, flippin’ 'eck it’s chilly today. Sunny though, which is a sight better than yesterday’s awful torrential rain all day!

I’m going to have a go at making a coiled rope bag today. Pics later if it works out!

Enjoy your day folks :slight_smile:

Good morning all.
Bright and breezy but quite chilly. Only 8 degs. a couple of hours ago.

Yet another trip to the vets this afternoon, then other than a bit more pruning in the garden, it will be mostly indoor jobs today, think I will make the pooches some dog biscuits too.

Meg, glad you feel a little better. I hope it continues.

That’s a drastic way to lose weight though - hope you feel better very soon!

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I dunno about it being a bit chilly. It was freezing first thing when I walked Holly.

Humph :angry:. Our weather guesser guessed completely incorrectly last night. We got up to cats and dogs falling from the sky and a really cold hooley blowing. So much for a nice sunny but chilly morning that she promised us.

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