Thank you all for your kind words, they cheered me up no end.
Oh dear @Meg… not you as well! Sorry to hear that, what a pair we are … Now I know why some members used to call us twins!
Hope you feel better soon (hugs).
@zuludog Love it when plans change shows we are alive and open to change. My cousin who lives in Canada her husband makes knives well the handles out of bone/horn/antler he finds fascinating hobby, he does not do computers at all but she posts the odd picture on our face book page. My Dad adored woodworking and my brother follows him in that and he now makes/whittles walking sticks for friends and family.
@Meg Sorry you are under the weather but a couple of bottles of vino and you will be sorted. LOL
@Mags Oh Lord sorry to hear this and like Meg a couple of bottles of vino and you will be sorted. LOL
Hope the movies are good & that you enjoy them whilst, also, enjoying your stay in bed!
Get well Soon!
Merry Christmas!
@Ted Hi Ted, thank you
…chance would be a nice thing I will be trailing through muddy fields with a reluctant Schnauzer in tow…x