Good morning Tues 7th

Morning everyone, sunny and warm here at the moment and forecast hot later, the last blast of summer? :sunglasses:

An easy day ahead for me, just a cottage pie to cook for lunch and a TV to deliver and install for our granddaughter this afternoon. Nothing else planned yet other than trying to keep cool.

Have a pleasant day everyone :blush:

Barry have I woken up on the wrong day ?

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Whoops… :rofl: Amended…:+1:

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This is going to be a quick week lol.

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:grin:so funny I was confused and had to check my diary

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Good morning to all. Hot already down my end of the country. Looks like it could be a lazy day . Was going to cut the grass but might give that a miss. Doubt I’ll Venture far from the garden swing some how. :wink:

Morning all, nice and sunny and warm here in the West Country.
Grass mowing today, well that’s the plan, before it gets too hot🙂


Fog and a heavy dew earlier, warming up now.

A garden day today, be nice to get outside for a while.

Have a good day all

Good morning all, the sun is out and its already very warm outside.
I am cooking at the moment, Jewish Chicken Penicilian (might have spelt that wrong).
Have a nice day all.

Warmish, sunny day had a very enjoyable walk in about 21’, not a cloud in the sky, even my stolen pigface has a flower.

So happy things are warming up. Take care.

Good morning everyone, it’s really warm already and set to get warmer later. Looking after granddaughter again today - she wants to go to the moors to see the ponies, so it’s a good job it’ll be a fine day. I can see ice cream on the agenda :wink:

Have a lovely day folks :blush:

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Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: what. glorious sunny day!

Nothing planned for the day except dropping our daughter off at the hospital for her PET scan after lunch.

Enjoy your day folks :slightly_smiling_face:

Good morning everyone :slightly_smiling_face: I dropped Chloe of at 8:15 for eye operation/toe removal/teeth cleaning and have heard nothing yet so no news is good news.
I may be able to collect her this afternoon if all goes well.

So being about early I went to M and S for fruit for me and chicken for Chloe to have with some rice and pumpkin when she returns.

I have been trying to catch 2 fat lambs hiding in the brambles down the lane and popping out to snack on my abelia grandiflora , I can’t catch them . I hoped to get them back in the field and block the hole through which they are escaping. They drive Chloe mad, she can see them through the window grinning at her as they munch away on my plants.

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@Mags Hi Mags :slightly_smiling_face: I hope the results are favourable…

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We have Mags taking her daughter for a Pet scan and Meg taking her pet for a daughter scan… No that doesn’t quite work. :slight_smile:


Hope Chloe is ok. Fingers crossed.

Good afternoon, btw. Met up with one lady at the cafe. We chatted for just over an hour and both got a sausage and bacon bap to take away.

I have someone coming around 4.30 for damp remedial works and need to give him access to both inside the meter cupboard (remove manky piece of carpet), so he can apply the special paint, and pull weeds from down pipe outside (where he will drill air holes). Not sure which job he will do first. I have carpet remaining from the stairs (a nice blue) so can cut a piece from that to go into the cupboard.

Shall walk the dog now.

Hope everyone’s day goes as planned.

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Thank you Meg.

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Meg, I hope everything goes well with Chloe’s operation and you are able to bring her home later. x

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Scratches head in puzzlement ……:thinking: :grinning:

@Meg how is Chloe?