Good Morning Sunday, 16th March 2025

Good morning y’all (adding a folksy element here :icon_wink:). It is going to be a bit of a scorcher today, it was 33° at 9.30 am. Not bad for Autumn eh?

Went to Bunnings early to buy some odds and ends to finish off my minor changes to the camper and followed this up with a visit to Big W to buy a couple of towels to replace the tatty ones I have used while travelling for the last 9 years. They are in the washing machine as I type, the hot northerly wind is quite gusty so they should dry in no time at all.

My youngest son is not going to experience temperatures has hot as I am - like most of the tropics Darwin is 32° every day of the year, the weather forecast merely tells you if it is going to rain or not. If it gets too much I will wander over to the mall with my book and make use of their armchairs and air con.

Hope your weekend has proved productive, have a good one.

Take care…


Good Morning Bruce.

Reading your posts is fascinating, I look forward to seeing them.

Darwin is somewhere I have always wanted to go, great fishing.

Australia is much better organized than here in the UK, we need to learn from you.

We won’t because a lot of people think we still rule the World.

We don’t of course.

Now a minor player slipping down the rankings.

We do also have a propensity to elect Politicians with no commonse.

Have a good day all

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Good morning all

Yesterday was a busy day for me , so the Gate was made , and now I need to stain it ,so I

sent off for a sample pot .

Today im going out for Dinner at a Restaurant , meeting my Grandson and girlfriend there ,

looking forward to a Sunday roast , I dont do them since being a widow its not really worth it .

This evening Im going to the Concert Hall, looking forward to that too.

Weather forecast looks good, although we have a slight frost this morning ,

Have a pleasant day everyone .


Good morning all! :sun_with_face:

A beautiful sunny morning here in West Sussex! A bit nippy first thing so I’ve had the heating on for a little while just to take the chill off. We have a nothing in particular Sunday planned which is just how I like it. No doubt I’ll put together some savory snacks and my son will make chicken curry tonight, he’s a dab hand a blending his own curry powder using various spices :yum:

Have a terrific day forum people! :+1:


Morning all – another lovely sunny start to the day

The beast behaved herself and left me no little gifts this morning and even went out into the garden after her breakfast!

Had a very indulgent day yesterday. Visitors arrived bearing cards and gifts, although I do wonder how people perceive me – I now have 4 boxes of chocolates in the fridge and 7 bottles of wine in the cupboard!

I should get back to my diet today, but think I will start fresh tomorrow (I think someone said calories don’t count on a weekend!)

Not much planned for today – apart from recovering after yesterday’s extravagancies!

Take care – have a wonderful day


Morning awl ! Cold but clear, Out with the wee dog - she is very obedient and no lead needed, I think we got lucky…


Good morning!
Clear, sunny, a bit frosty first thing but it’s warming up now

I’ve done it again! - woke up about 03-30, sort of dozed for a bit then got up about 04-30
Had cups of coffee; 1st breakfast; did last night’s washing up; tidied a couple of freezer drawers; 2nd breakfast … bored now!

Nothing much else planned, think i’ll have a stroll along the canal later


Good morning everyone, extremely windy today, although quite warm, 16C and rising. Next week’s going to be cold, Northern winds arriving, minimum temps will be 1C! :neutral_face:
Lucky you @Eliza, attending all these concerts, live music is the top!

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Happens often to me too, @zuludog, waking up at 3am and not being able to get back to sleep. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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Morning Everyone, it looks busy on the ‘good morning’ thread this morning with Sunday unfolding like it should…
Twas a bit cold and frosty early on and Mrs Fox came back from her walk looking like an Antarctic explorer. A hot cup of coffee soon had her pink and glowing again.
I’ve just had a relaxing morning showering and then delving into a hearty bowl of porridge smothered in honey and sunflower seeds.
Last night provided the best nights sleep I’ve had in ages with not a murmur from the gouty knee, it looks like the worst may be over…Shhhhhhhhhh…
Does anyone reading this take Statins? And how do you take them, by tablet or injection?

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Eliza, I live alone and do a roast several times a week. Buy sliced meats if it helps. Turkey, chicken, beef, pork. It’s all possible. I’m doing one in a short while.

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AH! Statins!

I was prescribed statin tablets to control my cholesterol years ago but after a few years I developed aching legs, then much of my body, and felt generally tired & weak

to cut a long story short, this was the dreaded Statin Ache

Latest opinion is that all the fuss & bother about cholesterol is based on dubious research and pressure from the American food & pharmaceutical industry, and that cholesterol & fats, including animal fats are not the bad things they were made out to be

Search YouTube for statin side effects; Ancel Keys (the doctor who first demonised cholesterol & animal fat); cholesterol; and follow the links
Instead the current thought is that seed oils - rape, sunflower, corn etc; processed food, including low fat margarine, and too much sugar & carbohydrates are the real culprits for heart problems - plus smoking of course
Search YouTube for things like Statin Ache, Statin Side Effects; cholesterol levels and so on

For several years now the only fat I eat is olive oil, butter, and naturally occurring in meat & fish, and have reduced my carb intake
My Diabetic specialist Nurse is both surprised and impressed that my cholesterol level & blood pressure are normal & acceptable without medication
Also, I have lost 15kg without much effort

Unfortunately this change from the demonisation of fat & cholesterol is yet to be fully accepted, and although this is only my opinion, I am convinced
Make the effort to watch a few videos and see what you think

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My father died at 71 and my brother died when he was 63. Both heart with attacks. When my brother died I decided to get a check up and I discovered I had a very high cholesterol level. My sister tested the same high level. It was diagnosed as familial high cholesterol. We have both been on statins for almost 30 years. I am 87 and my sister will be 92 shortly. We are both fairly fit. I have a few aches and pains but after 50 years of heavy manual work that is to be expected. Diet can help to reduce your level and we are both careful with what we eat but statins have been a real life saver for us.


I have been taking statins for more years than I care to think about! I take them in tablet form, never had any problems, although I know some people appear to do so

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Statins do work, there’s a lot of rubbish on you tube etc

First lot of statins caused me problems, second lot no problem.

My blood is tested all the time and statins are one of the main drugs which keep me alive.

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