Good Morning - Sunday 10th October

Good Morning/Afternoon everyone.

Another warm but cloudy day ahead.

Have a new decoupage project to work on and a couple of November birthday cards to make - should keep me quiet for a while!

Have a fun day,

Good morning and good day.
Had one of my weird sleep experiences where I become aware that I am asleep, there is a name for this phenomenon but it escapes me at the moment.
You can hear your very rythmic breathing and for the most part I am paralyzed. Now you can force yourself to fully wake up or if you are lucky fall fully back to slept. Used to be quite interesting but a little tedious now.:smiley:


Bad move, the forecast was for rain this arvo so I decided to get some laundry done, Unfortunately it started to rain late morning so part of the wash was not dry so it is in the car port :frowning:

The escarpment has disappeared behind cloud and there is thunder about, still warm but the temperature plunges 10’ tomorrow to 16 or 17’

Enjoy your day hope the weather is better than mine.

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Good morning everyone! Was woken at 4am or thereabouts by a young drunk couple returning from a night out. Dramatic story line involving deceit, 4 police cars, and a lost diamond ring (picked up by some random passers by and pocketed for resale) Life eh?
Have a lovely Sunday :wave:


Makes my waking up and needing a pee very dull by comparison. :rofl:

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Better than the tv round my way sometimes :roll_eyes:

Morning all.

Will make plans this morning to meet up with little sis, and maybe go to the seaside prom, if weather stays nice. With the dog, of course. It was glorious when I was there yesterday, but mostly spent it inside the cafe/restaurant I was at, with the coffee group.

I might even suggest we get fish n chips, for lunch.

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Sounds like the basis of a good short story, Pixie, I’ll work om it!

Sounds lovely - especially the fish and chips!


Good Morning All.

Much colder today, autumn is most definitely here.

More sorting out today, getting things ready for sale.

I am constantly amazed by how much stuff I have accumulated.

Have a good day all.

Thanks ST. She might have her Sunday dinner sorted (I haven’t) but it would be a nice treat.

Good morning all.
It’s a bit misty out at the moment but I can see it breaking up, so it might be a nice day.
Nothing planned for me.
Have got a Whole Chicken in the Oven at the moment cooking.
Janet what Seaside are you going to? Gorleston?
Enjoy the F&C.
Have a nice day all.

Susie, my sister always prefers going there. Parking is free, too, but can be a pain if everyone else has the same idea.

I know what you mean, Swimmy, it seems to multiply of it’s own accord!

Zounds - don’t tell anyone about that - it will be invaded!

Good morning from a beautifully sunny Yorkshire

Family are coming today so I’m doing a buffet for 12 mainly shop bought stuff due to not having a fully functional kitchen right now…but who cares :slight_smile:

Have a good day everyone

Good morning folks :grinning:

I have an extra sPrInG in my step today! All is good in my world!!! It’s probably the glorious Spring weather here! It’s infectious! Nature is in full bloom! Have a blessed day!


Morning all, the sun is shining in a lovely blue sky here this morning.

I have all four of my granddaughter’s school pinafores here, because she’s managed to poke her fingers through the bottoms of every single flipping pocket :roll_eyes:. Not really her fault, though, very badly sewn on, with just a single, long straight stitch and children will put their hands in their pockets, so it was inevitable really. I shall reinforce each and every pocket and make them childproof!!

Well our boiler started playing up yesterday, switching itself off when it should have been on. Luckily we already have a boiler service booked for tomorrow. One of those rare occasions when all the ducks got themselves in a row all by themselves :wink:

Have a lovely Sunday folks :blush:

Good morning everyone :grinning: a lovely autumn day and my washing is already on the line and blowing in the breeze.

I need to tidy around then head out in the garden to do some dead heading .

Enjoy your day :slightly_smiling_face:

Dunno about the parking advert, but several celebs and tv shows have put it on the map. Paul Merton and his wife, and I believe Susan Calman did once.

Charges at Lowestoft seafront are £1.50-£1.70 (depending on car park) for 2 hours.

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