Good Morning - Sunday 10th October

Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: a lovely sunny day…

Managed to plant the rest of my bulbs yesterday, also finished off the trough.

My Nerines are starting to flower, adding more colour to the garden.

Enjoy your day folks :grinning:

Was sunny early when out for Alf’s walk, clouding over now.Enjoy.

Yesterday we went for a walk on the moors, came across some hunts men with a pack beagle’s , wonderful to watch them quartering the ground in search of a scent,they picked one up and what a noise don’t necessarily agree with hunting but to see dogs working for what they were bred for was a joy.


A late good morning everybody.

Today I plan on getting some work done in the house & garden. Boring but it’s been neglected lately!
Lovely & sunny here. I would prefer to be doing something else!!

Have a good day all. :slightly_smiling_face:

Change of plan. Not going out today, so I will be doing a beef roast lunch. Right now I am sitting watching telly. As you do. Dog has been walked a second time.

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A breezy and quite chilly Sunday here, with a cold night forecast for tonight.

Have done some washing, sorted the dogs out, done some paperwork, had a bacon & mushroom sarnie, and about to push the hoover round.
That’s about as exciting as it gets, unless I go and get a load of Crocuses planteda before it’s too late. :slightly_smiling_face: