Good morning Monday 9/August

Good morning all, looks a brighter start here and a drier week forecast, the garden is certainly wet enough now thanks…

We have vegetarian visitors for lunch today so I’m dishing up a lentil dhal with naan bread and Rosemary is baking an apple pie for dessert. No other plans but the garden may call this afternoon if it’s fine.

Have a good day everyone :blush:


good morning Barry I wonder if I am logged in or what this morning .
Your lunch menu sounds delish !

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Good Morning All.

I have Rhian coming this mprning to do some housework.

Have a good day all.

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My first success in starting a thread on here and immediately locked because Barry had beaten me to it.

I will have to try typing faster.

I was going to edit it to say Rhian the student, not Rhian on here.


Your post was merged into this thread Swim :023:

Good Morning everyone from a gloriously sunny Yorkshire… and my first post on the new forum so I hope I am doing it correctly :slight_smile:

Nothing much planned for today… have to alter a curtain (I hate sewing) and the garden beckons as well as checking in with my daughter who as you know has been poorly but is now recovering nicely.

Have a great day everyone

Morning everyone! Well I got here from my bookmarks, so that was straightforward enough!.

Pouring with rain here…there are engineers outside in the street blocking it off so they can put up some streetlights. About time too…we have only been asking for 3 years :open_mouth: Anyway, no plans for the day yet, off to have breakfast first. Have a lovely day everybody! :smiley:

good morning, and at last some dry forecasts for the week, so some catch up gardening to do,

oh!!! and to explore more around this new site, exciting, innit

I am going from bad to worse on here It must be something to do with my iPad .the over 50# header over laps the tool bar so I can’t see anything make new threads do anything in fact .

Good morning, raining here again.

Muddy, does it help if you change the orientation of your ipad?

Morning all.

I have been mostly using my iPad, simply because it is to hand and quicker. I might have tried on the laptop yesterday at one point…

Finally, thanks to @Azz, managed to work out how to start a new thread, with a photo.

Best get ready and coax the dog out for her first walk. Then think about what to do.

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Morning all, it’s raining here which is all I need because I’m trying to dry out the bathroom floor which got flooded when my lad didn’t close the shower door properly.

Still, the house sales are going through and we are getting nearer to our moving date :slight_smile:

There is a huge shortage of fizzy water round here so I have only a few bottles left … how will I get through the day without my constant supply of fizzy water ???

Good morning - Another rainy start to the day. Not sure yet if it’s allotment weather. Maybe it isn’t. :cloud_with_rain:

Good morning everyone from a grey Worcestershire :grinning: I had hoped to mow the lawns but not a chance it is too wet .

I guess I will just have to get on with the dreaded cleaning, the wind is blowing the tiny seed pods of the trees at the back of the house and they are everywhere even in the bath :astonished:

Good morning all :smiley: it looks like we have had rain during the night as the raindrops are still sparkling on the shrubs in the sunshine.

Hope to get out in the garden later when it dries up a bit to sweep up all the leaves that gave fallen in the storms.

Enjoy your day everyone :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry about that Swimmy, although it took me an age to sort out the category then the “tags” thing, I’m just amazed that I managed it at all!
Better luck tomorrow then eh… :blush:

Good morning everyone, another dull rainy day here in Devon, but we’re promised drier weather from tomorrow, so :crossed_fingers:

Well I won’t be visiting my daughter for the next couple of days - one of my granddaughter’s friends tested positive on an LFT last night. The two little girls were playing together in my daughter’s house on Thursday - I was there at the time as well. So we’re all testing daily now, all negative so far. Watch this space. She’s very grateful that she did a big shop on Saturday, so can easily stay indoors for a while.

Have a good day everyone, stay safe x

Gales blowing here with an icy clout from Antarctica! It’s a toss up between rain and snow. Roads in the South Island and central North Island are closed with snow. Heat pump on and firewood restocking ready to batten down for a couple of days! Nearly finished with Monday 9th August.

Sorry to hear that Bathsheba :icon_sad: you are in Devon aren’t you, that has been a safe place I guess the holidaymakers brought it there.
I wish your grandaughter a speedy recovery.